Yes you can.Stupid question in coming. Can I just use the stick that I did it with last time that already has F6 on? I don't need to re format it do I?
Re-use it that is - presuming you haven't done anything else with the stick
Yes you can.Stupid question in coming. Can I just use the stick that I did it with last time that already has F6 on? I don't need to re format it do I?
BIOS F6 is installed. Do I need to do anything for else in the BIOS? Before I connect power to the SSD and HDD and install windows?
Time and date are wrong, do I need to change them now? Do I need to load optimised defaults? Think I remember you telling me to do that last time.AHCI (probably set by default) and with that memory you could set the XMP?
And boot order for install
Did he get the memory from same place as you - if so cost?
American dateTemps are 38 degrees. For some reason it is saying the 07/06/2017 is a Thursday...
American date
EDIT: Stupid American date system
You don't - Windows will rearrange it normally for you (not in the BIOS - within windows)How do I change it to English?
Check the price of the corsair 3000MHz £4 difference (same brand as yours but 200MHz less).His memory is only 2133mhz and different to mine, I have Corsair vengeance 3200. Was 64 quid I believe.
No worries.Thanks very much for noticing that Plec. He doesn't have the money in his account so being the great big cousin that I am, I've purchased them for him and he can transfer me the money once he's refunded the money from the hyper x set!
Yes, install.Brilliant. Thanks again. Shall I hold off installing windows until the new RAM comes tomorrow or doesn't it matter?
Nicely done.Windows installed. Well I'm getting quicker mate, that wasn't to bad was it! Took me about 2.5 hours with some breaks. Will do windows updates and stuff tomorrow. Will then need to look at getting him an activation key when he can afford it.
Yes, smooth builds are great and you're experiencing why is useful to stick to a tried and tested brand/model and familiar core components when doing similar builds. Makes troubleshooting far easier if required.It's weird though. I actually really enjoy building them! Well, when everything went as smooth as today that is...