**** New Official DayZ Thread *****

I've started playing DayZero on the first person server after getting a bit bored with the SA. It's tough work making it around the popular spots without dieing, but worth it!
First person is how it should be played imo, mod and SA.

I disagree somewhat, first person is great when you are playing with others as you can cover multiple angles, however solo third person just makes the game a bit more bearable and allows you to deal with some of the more...well lets just say buggy as **** aspects of DayZ.

Just realised I posed that gun stuff in the wrong thread, edited.
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It is very buggy indeed, SA and the mod. But in third person you have the ability to sit on a corner of a building and use the mouse to see things not in line of sight. Not to mention seeing over walls and stuff, I do agree the engine on both are bad and third person makes it that much easier to handle. But with PvP it still sucks, but hey it is only my view, just means I play on first person only servers and others play on third person.
I'm looking to rent a small server for me and a few friends to play Epoch on (as it's hard for us to get on popular servers together). Has anyone got experience a reliable host service?

What would you like to do in Epoch? If you want to try your hand at base building, then you could do with a server that isn't full all the time.

If you want gun fun, then a busy server is best suited. Obviously you can build a base in a busy server but you'll encounter trouble from the local bandits, which nowadays is close to 100% of the player base.

You can't go wrong with CPC & MGT servers, & MGT has four different maps to choose from.
What would you like to do in Epoch? If you want to try your hand at base building, then you could do with a server that isn't full all the time.

If you want gun fun, then a busy server is best suited. Obviously you can build a base in a busy server but you'll encounter trouble from the local bandits, which nowadays is close to 100% of the player base.

You can't go wrong with CPC & MGT servers, & MGT has four different maps to choose from.

We want to do base building and missions. We had a fun server recently, until the server admins responded to our mild pvp by cheating :(
So, I've just got the ARMA II version of this via the humble bundle, having never played ny version of it before.

What should I do to get started? The half hour I had spare last night was spent clicking on dozens of different servers, and failing to connect to any of them.
So, I've just got the ARMA II version of this via the humble bundle, having never played ny version of it before.

What should I do to get started? The half hour I had spare last night was spent clicking on dozens of different servers, and failing to connect to any of them.

Download DayZ commander, this is a better external client for browsing servers. It also automatically downloads mods and install them for you.

I would suggest you start right away with the Epoch mod, its probably the best mod for DayZ.
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