New Star Trek series - 2017

My personal favourite from DS9 is "In The Pale Moonlight" - that show did moral ambiguity and a darker Trek universe better than STD could ever hope to. It also, rather unfortunately given the focus paid to them later, shows the utter pointlessness of Section 31 - Starfleet officers are more than capable of ruthless pragmatism when push comes to shove without needing a shadowy cabal of amoral operatives answerable to no-one. Of course, it helps when you have Elim Garak:

"That's why you came to me, isn't it Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing. Well, it worked. And you'll get what you wanted: a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant, and all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal...and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain."

So good.
He really was wasn't he, shown by the fact that he was in so few episodes but everyone who watched DS9 knows who he is and how much weight he carried to the point it feels like he was in more episodes than he actually was...
He really was wasn't he, shown by the fact that he was in so few episodes but everyone who watched DS9 knows who he is and how much weight he carried to the point it feels like he was in more episodes than he actually was...

Quality over quantity, kinda like Fawlty Towers, only 12 eps but tell people that and they always think there was more.
Season 3 teaser trailer is in the wild.

Now we're ripping off Andromeda by the sound of things! The jump to the future, the effort to restore the Commonwealth/Federation...I know there are no new ideas, but if you're going to emulate something then why wouldn't you emulate something good? :p

Burnham still a Mary Sue of the worst kind. Now looks like she's going to be the one to restore the Federation to its former glory. Because why shouldn't she be the Chosen One, famed in song and story?

More Short Trek episodes coming, one is out already. Giant 'who cares'.

God I can't wait for Picard and some decent Trek...
Why would it be a fail? None of the current seasons have failed at all, quite the opposite.
Why would it be a fail? None of the current seasons have failed at all, quite the opposite.

They found some kind of audience, sure. But I think even the most staunch defenders of the show would admit that the quality of the writing has been rather...uneven. And the ending to S2 was both a cop-out (it fits into canon because they just won't mention the DiscoBall, spore drive or Burnham ever again in continuity*...yeah right) and made no sense (Control was neutralised, so why did they need to go to the future? Burnham had to go make the red flashes, but the rest of the crew didn't need to go anywhere).

Or hell, maybe not. Maybe the STD fandom truly can't see any faults in the show. Not sure how such a thing could be possible when those faults are both glaring and legion, but fandom does strange things to the brain. I should know, I can happily sit through very early Doctor Who episodes and convince myself that I didn't see the sets wobbling :)

* - oh, and while I'm bashing on that point...Mudd knows about the spore drive. So do the Klingons. Are they under this magic gagging order as well???
They found some kind of audience, sure. But I think even the most staunch defenders of the show would admit that the quality of the writing has been rather...uneven. And the ending to S2 was both a cop-out (it fits into canon because they just won't mention the DiscoBall, spore drive or Burnham ever again in continuity*...yeah right) and made no sense (Control was neutralised, so why did they need to go to the future? Burnham had to go make the red flashes, but the rest of the crew didn't need to go anywhere).

Or hell, maybe not. Maybe the STD fandom truly can't see any faults in the show. Not sure how such a thing could be possible when those faults are both glaring and legion, but fandom does strange things to the brain. I should know, I can happily sit through very early Doctor Who episodes and convince myself that I didn't see the sets wobbling :)

* - oh, and while I'm bashing on that point...Mudd knows about the spore drive. So do the Klingons. Are they under this magic gagging order as well???
Yes it's not perfect. However I did enjoy almost every moment of Season 2 and am still looking forward to this as well. As long as there is sci-fi then I'll happily watch it. With Picard coming in Jan. 2 different Trek shows on at around the same time is brilliant.
Dorothy "D.C." Fontana - story editor and script writer on original Trek and early TNG - has passed away. She also co-wrote an episode of DS9, wrote for 'Babylon 5', and sold stories for 'Buck Rogers' and 'The Six Million Dollar Man'.

She was responsible for the creation of Sarek and Amanda (Spock's parents), writing the episode that introduced them along with the Tellarite and Andorian races. She also explored Romulan culture with the episode "The Enterprise Incident" and with the Rihannsu series of novels, turned the Orions into something slightly more complex than the 'space hookers' that Gene Roddenberry envisioned, and wrote the one truly great episode of The Animated Series ("Yesteryear", which the reboot Trek film mined for Spock backstory).
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Dorothy "D.C." Fontana - story editor and script writer on original Trek and early TNG - has passed away. She also co-wrote an episode of DS9, wrote for 'Babylon 5', and sold stories for 'Buck Rogers' and 'The Six Million Dollar Man'.

She was responsible for the creation of Sarek and Amanda (Spock's parents), writing the episode that introduced them along with the Tellarite and Andorian races. She also explored Romulan culture with the episode "The Enterprise Incident" and with the Rihannsu series of novels, turned the Orions into something slightly more complex than the 'space hookers' that Gene Roddenberry envisioned, and wrote the one truly great episode of The Animated Series ("Yesteryear", which the reboot Trek film mined for Spock backstory).

wow i never knew that, thats amazing

Oof. The latest of the 'Short Treks' episodes, "Ephraim and Dot". What an appalling mess...

The synopsis said:
A tardigrade needs a safe place for her eggs to mature. She runs into the USS Enterprise where she is identified as an intruder by a repair robot. Despite being chased by the robot, the tardigrade manages to deposit her eggs in the engine room. But then the Enterprise warps away. The tardigrade follows the ship for many years, until the battle with Kruge's Bird-of-Prey, just before the self-destruct of the Enterprise. The repair robot once again attacks her and throws her out of the airlock, but then recognizes that the eggs are a lifeform that must be protected. The robot survives the explosion of the Enterprise, with little tardigrades just hatching from their eggs stored inside.

References to canon abound, but are absolutely mangled in the process. None more obviously than when we see the refit Enterprise during the battle over Genesis...and they put the wrong registry number on (NCC-1701-A, the registry of the replacement ship from the end of "The Voyage Home" onwards)*. This after showing the STD-style Enterprise earlier of course, a ship that is built to a different scale than the one seen in TOS. So quite how the unmodified refit design is supposed to fit with that is beyond me. Or how the tardigrade eggs would remain undetected when the ship was pulled completely apart for said refit.

Other weirdness. The Enterprise is intitially shown as I said in STD-era look on the outside, but the interior visuals look much more like the TOS vessel. Then when we see the refit Enterprise later, the warp core is visible as the tardigrade checks that her eggs are still safe...and it's the TOS-style core rather than the movie one!

And I wouldn't mind (NARRATOR: he would, in fact, mind a great deal), but even if we forgive the mistakes the whole episode can't even be canon anyway. It's framed as an educational film in-universe, so those errors that I've mentioned could be explained away as having been made by whoever produced the film. But all references to the spore network are forbidden after the end of Season 2 of how did an educational film get made on the subject???

Never mind half-baked, this one is still in the packaging on the supermarket shelf with people wondering if the cardboard is more nutritious than the contents...

* - I note that episode director Michael Giacchino apologised for the ****-up on the Twitters. I suspect that they'll go back and fix it at some stage, though there seems precious little point given the myriad issues with the rest of the episode.
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