New Star Trek series - 2017

There is no truth to that as they are currently in production on Season 4.

Cant imagine they’d cancel it even if only one person was watching it. It’s one of the most woke things on Netflix, the execs will love it. Not saying that’s a bad thing by the way, but it fits what gets funding these days.
Cant imagine they’d cancel it even if only one person was watching it. It’s one of the most woke things on Netflix, the execs will love it. Not saying that’s a bad thing by the way, but it fits what gets funding these days.
Well in the USA its CBS that make and fund the show. They of course get money from Netflix as they show it internationally.
Porthos time travels through a wormhole to team up with Spot on an epic adventure to rebuild the Romulan star empire.
As someone who has gone through Enterprise, NG and Voyager and currently watching the original series I have to say that I thought Discovery was a pile of tosh, and I dont usually jump onto hate wagons. I watched Enterprise when it originally came out and was a bit indifferent to it, but after rewatching it a few months ago its now my fav of all the series. I really cant see myself ever going back to Discovery, its the epitome of everything that is wrong with shows and in my eyes definitely NOT a Star Trek series at all. There was a point where I thought I could overlook the worst of it, but then with the introduction of the awful actor Notaro I just thought its only going to get worse.
Its a shame because I thought the some of the charactors/story were good as well as the CGI, I also love the opening sound track and animation. There is just too much else to dislike.
If they did then the Borg would probably still send a single cube to assimilate earth, as it worked so well in their previous attempts.

This is because the BORG cube is so massive inside it takes 1 week to get from the top of the cube to the bottom of the cube at warp 9 in a turbo lift.
Apparently I was still a member of some fan group on Farcebook. No longer but I saw a post about how great it was and what they will do now with their time, with loads of like and positive comments. I really underestimated the power of stupid.
If they do bother with further seasons... then my one and only hope is that they finally do something with the Iconians. It might look end up looking like it took the idea from STO, but I just cannot get excited about yet more Borg... which unfortunately seems rather likely. The way I see it is that Voyager essentially made the Borg infantile as an enemy, though I understand the reasoning behind the changes to them (mainly the introduction of the Queen), the outcome of the show (as well as assumptions that can be made from the cube in Picard/S3 of Discovery having no mention of them whatsoever) pretty much made them irrelevant in my view, however it is not exactly difficult to see the potential for a retcon or some farcical explanation for their return.

It would probably be awful (especially if the show runners continue to mock their viewers intellgience), but the franchise desperately needs a new big bad (preferably no tentacle monsters).
I'm certainly not stupid, however I do enjoy the show. Yes it has faults but it's still ok.
In agreement, as entertainment I think its absolutely fine. There is decent character development (a lot of females), with interesting and imaginative storyline. I also think it holds true to the Star Trek legacy to an extent. In Lockdown I watched all of Voyager and enjoyed it. However no-one make shows as gently paced as Voyager now, presumably because viewers attention span is shorter! Personally I don't get the hate.
Some main steam media outlets are starting to turn on the show calling it out for it's bad writing, Tokenizing LGBQ crew members and trying to write complicated stories lines but don't have the talent to pull it off. Seems on point
Some more stuff about the finale has bothered me.
  • The lullaby that half the galaxy heard at various times. That plot point just upped and disappeared?
  • Burnham called her mother in the penultimate episode. But she doesn't appear in the finale, and the Ni'Var fleet does next to bugger all.
  • What actually is/was the Emerald Chain? Were they actually a proper galactic force that could go toe-to-toe with the much-reduced Federation, or were they just a small bunch of petty thugs 'led' (for lack of a snarkier term) by Osyraa, Pirate Queen Of The Back End Of Nowhere™?
  • Speaking of Osyraa, she sure knew a lot about Starfleet/Federation technology, huh? Enough to know where to shoot to get the disguised shield generators at Fed HQ. That probably ought to have gone somewhere.
  • Also no payoff as to why she wanted to kill Ryn so badly. Because he knew that the Chain was about out of dilithium? Big whoop, nearly everyone was.
  • Aurellio. The first part of the story seemed to make him a pretty important character. Then in the finale he does...pretty much nothing at all? Nice that the computer could figure out not to beam him off though, when Burnham rebooted it and ordered it to beam off all the regulators. No indication at all from the script about how it managed to do that. Hey ho.
Wasn't the lullaby the sound waves that led them to the nebula where the burn happened as it was the sound of it? So it sort of imprinted itself into people's memories for some reason.
Wasn't the lullaby the sound waves that led them to the nebula where the burn happened as it was the sound of it? So it sort of imprinted itself into people's memories for some reason.

Yeah. But no mention of how or why. Even a line about how Su'Kal sang it to himself and his connection to dilithium/subspace effectively imprinted it on the galaxy would have been something. But no, just another orphaned plot point in a sea of orphaned plot points.
Some more stuff about the finale has bothered me.
  • The lullaby that half the galaxy heard at various times. That plot point just upped and disappeared?
  • Burnham called her mother in the penultimate episode. But she doesn't appear in the finale, and the Ni'Var fleet does next to bugger all.
  • What actually is/was the Emerald Chain? Were they actually a proper galactic force that could go toe-to-toe with the much-reduced Federation, or were they just a small bunch of petty thugs 'led' (for lack of a snarkier term) by Osyraa, Pirate Queen Of The Back End Of Nowhere™?
  • Speaking of Osyraa, she sure knew a lot about Starfleet/Federation technology, huh? Enough to know where to shoot to get the disguised shield generators at Fed HQ. That probably ought to have gone somewhere.
  • Also no payoff as to why she wanted to kill Ryn so badly. Because he knew that the Chain was about out of dilithium? Big whoop, nearly everyone was.
  • Aurellio. The first part of the story seemed to make him a pretty important character. Then in the finale he does...pretty much nothing at all? Nice that the computer could figure out not to beam him off though, when Burnham rebooted it and ordered it to beam off all the regulators. No indication at all from the script about how it managed to do that. Hey ho.

Decent point all worth investigation

The lullaby, yeah WTF - did i mis that bit was the sound wave as mentioned above? WTF
Burnham called her mother - and anyone gives a ****? er who cares lol
What actually is/was the Emerald Chain - Good setup for the next season imho, just a bad group for Disco to flatten.
Aurellio ehh... pass

Bu9t hey who tells there story all in one season
Look i know its got big flaws like mad turbolifts n stuf but ffs it startrek in the ..what 31somethings??
Got to be interesting if a bit mental.
Look i know its got big flaws like mad turbolifts n stuf but ffs it startrek in the ..what 31somethings??
Got to be interesting if a bit mental.

Sure. So why wasn't it?

I mean...I'm just a simple country fella an' I got problems of my own but 13 episodes of Let's Pretend Burnham Is Awesome™ doesn't really make an interesting season of TV, let alone Star Trek, for me. Even when they screw up and accidentally make someone else the hero of the story (e.g Owosekun in the season finale).

The showrunners had opportunities with this season, and blew nearly all of them because - again! For the third season running! - they combined an addiction to plot complexity with seemingly not knowing how the hell they actually wanted the story to go and resorting to making it up as they went along. To do that once - it was the first season, there was behind-the-scenes turmoil, whatever. To do that again in the second - irritating¹ but at least, wildly imperfect an ending as it was, it cleared the slate to go tell the stories that they wanted to tell. To then go ahead and do it again a third time - unforgivable.

I don't know how many second chances they can ask of the audience.

¹ - read: rage-inducing.
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