New Star Trek series - 2017

Well I have watched the 2 episodes and I am still trying to fully understand why they set it 10 years before ToS. They could easily have set it after Voyager and it would have played out better, especially with the tech. All they had to do was leave out the Sarek parts.

It was good that it had a lot of the ToS sounds on the bridge and the door sounds torpedo sounds, but some of the tech just shouldn't exist. Main point being the Star Wars style holograms for communications?!? What were they thinking. Trek has always used video calling and for this to exist in the prime timeline just doesn't fit.Even when ships drop out of warp its clearly from the JJ-verse. There was even lens flare and the phasers on ship and handheld are like bullets rather than the beams they should be. Hopefully things they can resolve over the course of the series.

That being said I did enjoy the main story, even if Starfleet seemed fine to start a war, and as the ensign stated 'we are explorers'

Also a bit odd that they focused so much of the trailers and stuff on characters that were not going to be around for long.

The new trailer for the rest of the season almost makes the first 2 episodes a prequel to the actual show with episode 3 feeling like the actual pilot as it introduces the ship and all the other main characters.
I got part way through the opening episode and turned it off in irritation. The Shenzou is an ugly design that doesn't remotely fit the time period the show is being set in, the set design is waaaaaaaay too JJ-Trek, the Klingon makeup is all kinds of wrong. These things I could have learned to live with if I'd given half a damn about any of the characters...and I don't. They either bored me or annoyed me.
Dodging spoilers so forgive me for not reading anything above this but curious on how people found it. How does it rate to the other series?
Well if they had recreated the crappy tech from TOS then that would have looked ridiculous. Our tech now is more advanced. I’m glad they took the step to make it look futuristic.
I thought it was alright.
Sure, you probably won't like it if you're the type that needs it to be just like all that came before and perhaps having a crappy 60's vision of the future that looks even older than TOS.

No, I don't like what they've done with the look of Klingons, but it's not a deal breaker.
The only thing that really bugs me is that the main female is called Michael...
Never really been a fan of previous ST offerings................but this is good.....really good.

Well written and acted, dark and atmospheric and judging by the end of episode 2 season trailer theres a lot more of the same to look forward to.
Never really been a fan of previous ST offerings................but this is good.....really good.

Well written and acted, dark and atmospheric and judging by the end of episode 2 season trailer theres a lot more of the same to look forward to.

Are we watching the same thing ?!!!???!?!

lens flair 11/10, sfx 9/10, acting 6/10, story 2/10, cheesy references to proper trek 1/10

Iv only seen episode 1 so far............ but that is what I think, the acting is............meh, story, snore.

Bit disappointing :( please tell me it gets a lot better.
Sure, you probably won't like it if you're the type that needs it to be just like all that came before

I don't get this viewpoint that people have with ST. The previous series completely ignores everything that happened in previous episodes, that is surely more annoying?
Said this in the USA thread but....

Well, after watching the first 2 episodes, I quite enjoyed it.
Certainly much more of a movie quality vibe that we've come to expect from other shows like Westworld and GoT.

I could definitely see some of the stuff in some scenes that has had people worried in the lead up to it (E.g... SJW and political aspects) but if you just take it as a sci-fi show, I think it did rather well for itself and am looking forwards to seeing the rest of the season. :)
1) So, that speech by Burnham at her court martial. That supposed to evoke audience sympathy? Didn't work here, I don't feel any sympathy for morons.
2) Speaking of the court martial - no tropes left unused here, eh? To the makers of the show : shrouding the presiding officer's face in shadow doesn't add mystery to proceedings any more guys, it's been done far too many times before by far better productions than this bag of ****.
3) Argh, the characters we've met so far. You've got Captain Philippa Georgiou, who's sort-of okay so you kill her off. Can't have a likeable protagonist on this show, eh? You've got a science officer who's so cowardly that there's no way in hell he could ever have come from the same Starfleet Academy that sets unwinnable tests in a simulator room with real exploding consoles just to see how cadets take crushing, unavoidable failure. You've got a bunch of Ensign and Lieutenant No-Names, no real character there at all presumably because they weren't going to be seen after the first two episodes so why waste any time writing for them? Oh, aside from the concussed one who wandered into the brig instead of sickbay - still have no idea what that scene was supposed to be there for. And you've got Michael Burnham, the galaxy's most bone-headed of bone-heads, a woman so monumentally stupid that she can't even mutiny properly. All for absolutely nothing as well - the whole thing would have played out exactly the same if she'd followed Captain Georgiou's orders rather than nerve-pinch her.
4) James Frain's Sarek. Is he remotely believable as being the same Sarek who shunned Spock for joining Starfleet instead of the Vulcan Science Academy? This viewer doesn't think so. Shame really, I quite like Frain in other stuff. Did this character need to be Sarek? Why not another Vulcan?
5) So, in the Original Series the Constitution class starships were the absolute pinnacle of the fleet. The fastest, largest, strongest. They started entering service in 2245. You'd have thought one of them might be available to charge in to this spot of bother with the Klingons? Might have saved some of these smaller vessels from getting their **** wrecked. Or do we not send halfway capable ships out to patrol a border with the Klingon Empire?
6) The trailer on the end of episode 2 fills me with no confidence. They still seem to be trying to drum up sympathy for the now ex-Commander Bone-head Burnham. Harry Mudd doesn't seem to be anything like the Mudd from TOS, which begs the same question as the Sarek one - why not create a wholly original character if you're going to ignore all previous characterisation anyway? The design of the USS Discovery isn't improving with repeat vie.wing. We've got a hot war with the Klingons, which is far less interesting than the cold war that was going on at the time of TOS. And the cowardly science officer from the Shenzhou, the second most irritating character we've seen so far, appears to be the only one from the first two episodes apart from Bone-head who is staying around. OH JOY.
Sadly I already pay way too much to Sky and Amazon I don't want to pay any more.
As I do with the Expanse I'll wait for the dvd/Blu Ray.
Sad to see this go to a strictly paid for service I wonder what viewing figures will settle down to.
I guess I'll watch the Orville instead lol .
LOL you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm.

Nah. I save my aneurysms for caring about things that actually matter! :D


I knew going in that Discovery probably wasn't going to appeal to me. One of the few things that could have saved it for me would have been characters that I actually liked.
Well, they killed both of them (Georgiou, and the Admiral). The rest of the Starfleet characters were either irritating (Saru), very annoying indeed (Bone-head) or had no meaningful part in the story.

Now, these first two episodes appear to be just a prequel to the series itself which gets going from episode 3 onwards. So I'll give that episode a chance, if I still hate it after that then I don't have to subject myself to any more of it. And fortunately those of us who like bright, shiny, optimistic sci-fi have got The Orville. At least, until Fox cancels it!
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As a fellow Trek nerd, I understand your issues with it.
Personally, I'm enjoying a slightly fresh and somewhat realistic take on the whole thing - even if it is JJverse stylee and doesn't line up with everything we know and love.

These things usually take a little time to settle in. Expecting it to be absolutely awesome and everything you want straight off the bat is perhaps a little too optimistic (assuming you didn't go in expecting to hate it while trying to find things to complain about).
Expecting it to be absolutely awesome and everything you want straight off the bat is perhaps a little too optimistic (assuming you didn't go in expecting to hate it while trying to find things to complain about).

The one thing that I thought I could rely on was them writing a main character who didn't make my teeth itch. They utterly failed, on the evidence of the opening two-parter. And this is one of the problems of focusing on a single protagonist - they've got to be someone who the audience doesn't hate, or you're in deep trouble. Trek has always been an ensemble type of show, so you can spread the stories around. You also could have A and B plots in an episode. That's not the way they've gone with Discovery. Could it work? Sure. As it stands it clearly works for a lot of people. Critical reviews have been good.

Ask me how I feel again after episode 3! :)
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