New Star Trek series - 2017

Put it this way. My dad doesn't have Netflix, he is a big Star Trek fan and is considering signing up for Netflix just for Star Trek. I told him that Star Trek is far from being a AAA show.

Netflix is great and it's worth the sub for me but Star Trek so far has not convinced me enough. It's going to need a lot more episodes and the introduction of some new and interesting characters for it to really grab hold
I couldn't stand the Klingons speaking. That's the only issue I had. The preview for the next episode/rest of the series looks like it's got a ton of development coming so I'm excited for that, but an odd way to start the series. They should have got to that part already IMO as after 2 episodes it's going to be all different.
only watched first episode so far....and lol

Positive things... very good special effects and production values ...very much JJ.

Unfortunately thats the only good thing i say about this ****

Iconic ST tune crap...just beyond bad. They have the ST notes at the very beginning and end of the theme but in between in some kind of hell on earth piece of crap written by a 5 year old? Which does not fit at all....
Crew is absolute garbage. Welcome to our new SJW society. The token vanilla whitey, The extra from frikin star wars (see if you can spot them), Sapien from hellboy (DJ playing it almost the exact same way haha), the ginger, a computer monitor hahaha.

The strongest characters are Sasha (haha yep) and Michelle Yeoh. And they are both poor. Its mind boggling how unprofessional everyone is. How frikin rude is Sasha/Michael even though she was brought up on Vulcan lol. Just not believable at all.

The best person for the job is the best person not the one whose face fits a certain demarcation.

Another thing which i found ridiculous....when a minor crew member is giving a report from a screen or pad...what the actual??? it looks like it is very artificial...on one instance the star wars dude didnt even look like he was looking at his screen and reporting on it. Just did not fit the context.

I remind myself i absolutely hated Janeway at the start of Voyager. So maybe this crew will grow personalities.

Dont give up hope Surfer. Maybe these guys arent the main crew of the series /me prays.
For teh immersionz.
Aside from laying in coordinates, I never got why they flew them with buttons.

Play Star Trek: Bridge Crew using the original Enterprise and you'll see how ridiculous it is.
Cheerful as ever. Retreat wasn't an option - as the captain said, there were colonies and bases nearby.

Wasn't a fan of the intro and the lack of 4k. Enjoyed the rest.

No, there were colonies 3 light years away, and if retreat prevented a war, then even one colony was easily sacrificable. Why didn't they contact the colony, there was no mention of how big it was. Why wouldn't you back up to safer distance out of weapons range and force the Klingons to have to make an aggressive move in closing the gap before attacking. They simply sat still right in front of that ship.

They could warp 2 light years away and watch the ship, if it went towards the colony they could intercept the ship. The concept that retreat is not an option is always and will always be stupid, it's the sign of incredibly poor writing. Ultimately this is where better writing would have had them visit a federation colony at the start rather than the poorly written opening scene, then have them doing something to help said colony, like transporting supplies and helping them repair things after some disaster, something that made it impossible for them to evacuate thus giving a reason for them to be forced to stay in the area. As it was, not starting a war and telling a colony to evacuate is just a slightly better option but again, that doesn't stop them backing off. For being in space, they seemed determined to move the ships as little as possible throughout. Even the whole space walk/jet packing thing, time was limited but they started a fair way off the actual asteroid field

I also disliked the idea that every ship on both sides all decided to warp in at exactly the same point, at the same time and they all stopped on a dime.

Both in terms of tactics, common sense and actual visuals, it would have made more sense for them to back off, watch what happens and see both fleets warp in at greater distances then when the order to attack comes in seeing the ships fly at each other. For me the battle was really odd because the initial salvo was mostly just a bunch of ships standing and firing then it went mostly inside the ship and there was very little feeling of movement, of you know, space, of ships chasing each other.

The one thing the show didn't change that it absolutely should have and is insanely irritating to not have done so is having a damn vulcan in it. They are the absolute worst, every series having a vulcan has two annoying modes, being purposefully callous to upset other characters even though it doesn't take emotion to have tact and not peeve people off, or the other mode, pretending they have no emotions while clearly acting out of emotion. Vulcans as a species really don't work, Spock was by far the least irritating but had many irritating moments and his actual story was one of being half human and struggling with who he was and how he was brought up to not show emotions he did have.

The other vulcans are all gimmicks, actual full vulcans who constantly showed more emotion than Spock but had no reason to except cheap awful story telling (T'pal.... who also had the acting capacity of a mug), or now a human raise on Vulcan, for no sensible reason. Immediately she is trying to act like a Vulcan with no emotion except every action seems to be her acting emotionally. Star trek needs to get over having a character pretending they have no emotions but acting emotionally. With TNG they replaced Vulcan with no emotion with android who wants emotions.

Again as with Spock, Data had a reason to want emotions and then struggle with them when he finally got them. T'pal was god awful (though nice lady lumps) and they've gone with an immediately unlikeable vulcan/human lead character who acting like an idiot throughout the episodes.
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Am I the only one rooting for the Klingons in this series?

As soon as a Klingon is shown who a) actually has a character beyond 'Random Alien Of The Week™" and b) isn't killed off after two episodes then I could root for them. Of course, that would still be hard to do when they don't actually look like Klingons!

One of the things that has been sacrosanct in Trek over the five TV series has been the visuals. No visual retconning in Star Trek. The DS9 episode 'Trials and Tribble-ations' set the standard for this. Yes, those human-looking aliens are Klingons. No, Worf doesn't intend to discuss it with outsiders because it's embarrassing. Then the Enterprise episodes 'Affliction' and 'Divergence' explained it all - the Klingons were experimenting with Augment DNA to create super-soldiers, one of the side effects was a loss of the forehead ridges, a virus being carried by one of the subjects mutated and threatened all Klingons, the antivirus developed by Phlox removed the Augment genetic superiority from those that had it AND the forehead ridges of anyone else it was given to.

If Discovery is set in the same universe as Deep Space 9 and Enterprise and the original series, then we should be seeing human-looking Klingons. Not this bunch with pointed ears, four nostrils, no hair, ridges on the forehead AND back of head, fingers that look like claws, weird pigmentation variations, weird cheekbones...


Have you ever just relaxed and watched something without over analysing literally everything?

I realise you addressed this to drunkenmaster but I figured I'd chime in:

Is it really "over analysing" to point out plot holes? Plot holes large enough to drive a starship through? Plot holes that are spotted after one viewing of a show that has taken this long to get written, filmed and released?

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I realise you addressed this to drunkenmaster but I figured I'd chime in:

Is it really "over analysing" to point out plot holes? Plot holes large enough to drive a starship through? Plot holes that are spotted after one viewing of a show that has taken this long to get written, filmed and released?

In his case, yes. The guy basically lives to find a reason for typing up an essay on why someone's wrong, or why something is poorly written etc... Actually, it seems that virtually anything is a good reason to write a convoluted dissertation.

99% of TV and film have plot holes and/or things that could've been written better.
Some people can just chill out without overthinking everything. Some people actively try to find fault with everything.

Given the Trek fan base, this was never going to please everyone, no matter what they did.
What they have done is create something that should appeal to a relative majority.

As for the visuals, do you really think that anyone bar the hardcore ST traditionalists would accept a new Trek series released in 2017 that looks like Trek from the 60's? New audiences wouldn't have it.
Trials and Tribblations was a bit of fun fan service, nothing more.

ToS was a product of it's time. A vision of the future by the day's standards. Times have changed.
I thought Discovery was in the JJ-verse timeline (the events of ST2009 that fractured the timeline are in 2233) but the Klingons don't even look that similar to those of Into Darkness.
As for the visuals, do you really think that anyone bar the hardcore ST traditionalists would accept a new Trek series released in 2017 that looks like Trek from the 60's? New audiences wouldn't have it.

So why try and claim that it's not a reboot then? Why try and claim that you're in the same universe and timeline as all that's gone before if that universe and timeline are too limiting for what you want to show?

Trials and Tribblations was a bit of fun fan service, nothing more.

If the Enterprise episodes 'Affliction' and 'Divergence' hadn't been made I actually would have agreed with you on that one. But you can't dismiss 'Trials...' without dismissing those as well. And then how far do we want to go in declaring past episodes non-canon simply to cram Discovery into the same timeline? What else is now non-canon?

Shamrock - as far as I'm aware CBS cannot do a TV show set in the JJ-Trek timeline. It would have to be prime timeline or Yet Another Reboot™.
I really enjoyed it. Remember, this is a TV show written, cast and produced in 2017. Don't expect strong character development like we got with the old trek series. Those days are over.
Get the popcorn out, switch brain off and go whoooooo at all the pretty cgi effects.
So why try and claim that it's not a reboot then? Why try and claim that you're in the same universe and timeline as all that's gone before if that universe and timeline are too limiting for what you want to show?

I don't know, but what I do know is that the 60's idea of future tech isn't gonna fly in this day and age. Enterprise looked more advanced for that very reason.
All we can do is moan about it or roll with it at the end of the day. It is what it is.

If the Enterprise episodes 'Affliction' and 'Divergence' hadn't been made I actually would have agreed with you on that one. But you can't dismiss 'Trials...' without dismissing those as well. And then how far do we want to go in declaring past episodes non-canon simply to cram Discovery into the same timeline? What else is now non-canon?

I don't know. Blame the JJ effect :D
My memory is hazy on those two episodes, as I couldn't really watch Enterprise. I do recall them though. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that not all Klingons were affected.

Either way, I'm with you on having issues with the Klingon redesign. I think it's unnecessary, though it does make them look a bit more alien and warlike than the usual forehead/nose thing.
Disappointing, but I can deal with it.
If anything, I think they did it to make them a little more like the ones in JJverse. Even if they can't legally do that particular thing, they've obviously taken a lot of other visual influences from it.
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