And lastly... Ginger room mate need to get sucked into space with the head of Engineering!
Yep, you'd surely bunk up the new cadet with the most notorious mutineer in Starfleet, someone who might conceivably do anything to escape a life sentence. Also, her skin is really bad and hidden under a lot of makeup, so I'm surprised they cast her. As a character, Tilly just seems so out of step with the darker tone of the show. Would they really put a new cadet on a top secret research ship running black ops projects? It's like they wanted a tick-box Wesley Crusher character. Plus with all the red hair and the fact she's built along more generous lines, makes Michael look like a teeny-tiny child standing beside her. At the end when she's got her hair down I'm just thinking Merida from "Brave".
I thought the engineering guy was good though. The sort of person you'd love to hate. They should make him a real pain-in-the-ass everywhere else, but utterly brilliant and indispensable at his job.
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