New Star Trek series - 2017

Read only if you want a spoiler (imo);

New guy is the Albino Klingon going undercover to learn more about 'the enemy'

I did think this up to the point were he beat the crap out of the female Klingon Captain and Lorca wasn't there to see it, Lorca came round the corner right at the end of the fight so if he was doing it to put on a show there was no point.

If they do go down that route it will be f'ing stupid!
I don't buy it, even if they put in the bit about the female Klingons good English coming from a family of spies this guy being good enough at English to pass, even having had some pretty major surgery to make him look human and recover that fast just doesn't fly for me...
Agree. I'm no prude and don't care about bad language on TV but it seemed out of place in Star trek.

It didn't really feel out of place because of Star Trek, if anything Star Trek felt odd because it had no swearing, but it was always aimed at a earlier timeslot and to appeal to the whole family so it's no surprise. The thing that was out of place is they had no swearing for what 4.5 episodes.... then out of nowhere they drop an F-bomb. It felt out of place because it felt childish and so intentional. Not that swearing is a part of normal language, but they've avoided swearing at all in any situation up to this point they dropped it in to be dramatic.... but being dramatic by adding a swearword is hilariously out of place. It's like it's been written by a 12 year old who thought dropping a single swearing moment would shock the world. If there was swearing from the first or second episode, when Michael was ramming the Klingon in space or as the ship was being blown up, etc, it would feel natural but to avoid swearing till that one moment felt absolutely ridiculous.

Why they had Dwight in it and had him ham it up badly, why does, in a universe where Michael spends a couple of hours in a chamber to perfectly heal her skin and recombine all her DNA, he not trust doctors to fix his eyes and instead lives with lower light levels which is stupid. It was as with other things like crappy writers went, ooo lets have a torture scene where they don't use you know, a knife, or electricity, but light. So he needs bad eyes, and a stupid reason to not have them fixed.

We want the security officer to die, and we want the monster to do it... but who cares about good writing to make that happen. Just about every part of it is frustrating as hell. There is a war going on, but they've basically done absolutely nothing at any stage to show there is a war going on. The one attack now, to save the dilithium place, was really badly done. Using the painful and stupid "wait till they get closer" tactic and doing something stupid. They blew up two ships in one salvo, showing the ship has vastly superior firepower, so they just waited and almost died. Everything is a series of cliches and bad ideas they've put together then they write whatever gibberish they want to get from one idea to the next.

I rewatched the first ep with the parents the other day, they are banging on about not breaking order 1, while they walked through a nesting site, then as they released the water they get about 20m away before the bug people or whatever are standing behind them and can see them. They then lay out a ridiculous sign and have a spaceship drop down on top of them right next to where those bug people are. The very first scene was garbage and it just hasn't improved since.
Its great that we finally have the gay characters outed, though i think Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could have spotted them a mile off. Was interesting to see them in a scene brushing their teeth while nerdy guy's teeth look like they've been bathing in pish for a year or 2. I await the inclusion of the wheelchair bound transgender Hispanic character who later had a change of heart and now identifies as non-binary with great interest.
F-Bombs felt really out of place and forced, I can't see that brand new cadet coming out with that kind of language in front of her superior officer. Other than that, a solid ep. Though I agree this could have been any other Sci-Fi and still worked. It's Star Trek in name only.
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The tooth brushing ruined my immersion. In the future they'd surely have something more sophisticated. A liquid that does the job in seconds perhaps!
Oh boy.

I absolutely loved seeing Harry Mudd. That was probably the only saving grace of that.

I like the Captain but everyone else is naff.
It's hilarious they have access to the entire universe but the show feels completly claustrophobic, with like 3 or 4 sets.

I'll still watch it obviously but I don't think it's going to get a 2nd series right now.
The tooth brushing ruined my immersion. In the future they'd surely have something more sophisticated. A liquid that does the job in seconds perhaps!
No, by the 23rd century, no one will care :p

Maybe it is fashionable having different colour teeth. But still need to brush them.

But I know what you mean, I was wondering the same during the scene.
Trek probably has sonic toothbrushes like they have sonic showers, hence no toothpaste.

There's a brilliant book by John Varley called "Steel Beach" where the main character makes a snide comment about brushing teeth (surprised the computer hasn't found a way to do it for lazy people). A couple of days later, she wakes up with a minty taste in her mouth. The computer (in studious response to her sarcasm) has introduced nano-tech into the water supply in a range of flavours to automatically clean your teeth while you sleep.
Haven't seen the latest episode yet, but I have seen the furore/desperate defence over the Klingon D7 that (surprise surprise!) looks absolutely nothing like the Klingon D7 that Matt Jefferies designed way back when.

I wish the showrunners would just come out and admit that this is a reboot, and save us all the time spent doing mental gymnastics to try to cram these elements into a pre-existing timeline...Hell, what's next? Retconning the look of the Constitution class? They're already name-dropping April and Pike (the two prior captains of NCC-1701 before Kirk took command), so there's every chance that one of those ships will appear at some point. Fandom tolerated JJ changing up the look of the ship for the new movies, because temporal changes etc. But if this is really meant to be 10 years before TOS, then they damned well better not change anything on the design of the Big E (or any of her sisters). That's the sort of thing that leads to riots!
I did think this up to the point were he beat the crap out of the female Klingon Captain and Lorca wasn't there to see it, Lorca came round the corner right at the end of the fight so if he was doing it to put on a show there was no point.

If they do go down that route it will be f'ing stupid!
It might be that he's been conditioned to THINK he's human, Manchurian Candidate style. Remember the last episode, she told him he'd have to give up everything? Perhaps "everything" includes his memory and his identity? At least until he hears some trigger phrase or something.

Also, why are you spoilering this? It's not spoilers, it's speculation.

Edit: if Lorca's desk tribble goes nuts when the new guy comes in, then theory confirmed.
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I find the swearing AND the violence out of place. It's really quite brutal for Star Trek.

I suppose that's what makes shows popular on Netflix. They aren't really aiming for the core Trek audience, but a wider one.

I still don't really follow why the alien in confinement couldn't just warp away at any time, but ho hum.

The ending of the episode was pretty creepy - I'm intrigued to see what happens next.

I really want them to flesh out the supporting characters. I think the only good character, perhaps because of the comic relief he brings, is the cynical first officer. I really dislike the captain - he has a hard on for war like every dumb general in every dumb sci fi film involving humans and aliens. What would Picard say!
Haven't seen the latest episode yet, but I have seen the furore/desperate defence over the Klingon D7 that (surprise surprise!) looks absolutely nothing like the Klingon D7 that Matt Jefferies designed way back when.

I wish the showrunners would just come out and admit that this is a reboot, and save us all the time spent doing mental gymnastics to try to cram these elements into a pre-existing timeline...Hell, what's next? Retconning the look of the Constitution class? They're already name-dropping April and Pike (the two prior captains of NCC-1701 before Kirk took command), so there's every chance that one of those ships will appear at some point. Fandom tolerated JJ changing up the look of the ship for the new movies, because temporal changes etc. But if this is really meant to be 10 years before TOS, then they damned well better not change anything on the design of the Big E (or any of her sisters). That's the sort of thing that leads to riots!

Plot twist..... parallel universe
What would Picard say!


It needs the spores and also not be in a containment field. Also if it felt threatened it could have escaped if it also had spores around it to navigate via the "network".

I think the ending touched on what he said about him seeing everything, he's now one with the universe as it were, and could well get stronger with each jump.
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