Yeah, they pretty much look and act like a different race. Silly move.
The only explanation is that the Klingons have been taken over by the Goa'uld hence the ornate Ebyptian flair of their current stylings, and the reason why their new Birds of Prey look like Death Gliders...
It's the worst thing about STD.
Klingons makeup makes them character less. They went toooo much on it.
...sets up the series' dumbest scene so far, where the stunningly brazen, hostile stupidity of Landry gets her killed in swift and stupid fashion. She ignores all of Burnham's well-reasoned warnings and even simple, obvious things like "exercising caution around a creature already known to be very deadly" and just opens the force-field and starts firing phasers at the thing. Because, you know, reasons. She's killed immediately - which is good for the series because it means we're done with this terrible character, but boy is this ham-fisted and contrived. When you are rooting for a character to die for being so inexplicably hostile and inept, the writing has failed.
Some clumsy introduction to the 'mirror world' possibly? That sequence of the scene was either badly written or badly directed.
Nice that they've managed to pretty much put an end to the spore drive
Only parts I liked were the Lorca and random guy parts, hope the new guy sticks around as he seemed pretty handy and has potential.
It's the worst thing about STD.
Star Trek using the F word though? Doesn't seem right tbh.