All for bashing bad writing but she went in on a shuttle, I suppose incognito as it was supposed to be a secret mission.
But the ship wasn't somewhere close by, ready to warp in at an instant and somehow Starfleet found out but her crew doesn't go after them or warp in, have any kinda plan ready, it's just cheap and stupid.
The daft thing is the show is about a drive that lets them travel anywhere, but in the first episode this signal went out across the entire Klingon empire, and all the big houses showed up at exactly the same time a couple hours later. Rather like the new timeline/crap films, you can seemingly warp anywhere anytime stupidly quickly anyway.
When it's convenient the Discovery struggles to blow up just birds of prey as in their training simulation, later the same episode the sporefart in and take out 2 ships in the first salvo then sit there for a couple mins waiting while 3 more apparently very easy to destroy ships shoot at them rather than blowing them up for... reasons. They are also jumping in and destroying Klingons around the galaxy, without showing this, even though they were scared of small birds of prey, so how is this underpowered science ship blowing up war ships so easily. When they want Starfleet can send a small fleet to meet them in a couple of hours and Klingons can all warp across their space, into Federation space and start a war, but no one can reach this critical outpost... but then it was easy to jump to this nebula. Everything is just convenient and stupid, when they want the ship isn't a war ship and can't handle birds of prey, then it's jumping around taking out ships making a difference and even though the tech is shared with headquarters... they can't risk discovery on missions when it's convenient to say so, oh and letting the dude have gene therapy is automatically eugenics and terrible because they had to make up a reason they didn't tell them about it already and role out the tech across the fleet to win the war instantly.
It's just crappy writing where everything changes multiple times an episode depending on what they want.
Then you have Vulcans, jesus. The actual concept of Star Trek, the federation, having different species working together who act completely differently and the fundamental concept of Vulcans is they use their mental discipline/telepathic skills to ignore emotions and act purely logically which would give us a very different type of species to interact with, great. Except, Vulcans show emotions constantly, in basically every scene, instead of being different, they are simply humans with pointy ears who pretend to be better and it's frustrating as hell watching the awful writing with them banging on about logic while acting with emotions. Same way they never shut up with Worf about honour, but he just acted like humans did, Klingon 'honour' was stupid and backwards and didn't make Klingon's special it made them mostly terrible to watch.
If Vulcans were written completely differently to humans, great, but as they are they are terrible. Same goes with, whatever his name is, the aloof hoof no.1, he's just a scared human who moves his hands around a bit rather than a completely different species who behaves entirely differently.
Orville, as silly as it is, is doing a far better job with the non humans acting differently to the humans and more importantly, consistently with how they are introduced/explained.