New Star Trek series - 2017

What the F was that episode?

I mean I know groundhog day episodes can be quite fun... but how did Burnham start retaining memories? Because, thats the only way they would have been able to pull off what they did...
So the captain was killed 50 plus times, and the ship blown up the same amount of times and nobody else in the time loop had deja vu? Only took 3 or so for TNG to clue in something was wrong.
What the F was that episode?

I mean I know groundhog day episodes can be quite fun... but how did Burnham start retaining memories? Because, thats the only way they would have been able to pull off what they did...

That's what I thought too. Mud lead Stamets away and after that Burnham wouldn't have been able to retain the memories of anything that occured.
What the F was that episode?

I mean I know groundhog day episodes can be quite fun... but how did Burnham start retaining memories? Because, thats the only way they would have been able to pull off what they did...

As a certain other franchise would say...wibbly wobbly timey wimey :)
Well that was a bit of an odd one, ST:TNG did it really well, Stargate did it really well, even Dark Matter did it really well, but Discovery just doesn't seem to be as well thought out as it should be, I'm actually starting to prefer The Orville tbh.
At the party, Burnham says "I helped him calibrate <small pause> pulse scope rifles". I think she tripped over the geek-speak and no one picked up on the fact she should have been calibrating "pulse rifle scopes".
It does improve a fair bit after the first two episodes, it was a really poor choice to open a new series like that though.

well you you you could say that going from diarrhoea to a more firmer form is a "improvement" but at the end of the day it still a pile of poo :)
well you you you could say that going from diarrhoea to a more firmer form is a "improvement" but at the end of the day it still a pile of poo :)

Certainly the most recent episode is one of the worst episodes of any Star Trek I've ever seen. It falls down on SO many levels.
@drunkenmaster is gonna have a *ball* with this episode. Prepare thyselves..... :D

Is it just me or does this series feel like it has a completely different writers room/showrunner for each bloody episode??? Tone is shifting so much, hard to keep up!
Gotta love the constant whinging from people who seem to keep on watching a programme they apparently don't like.

I dont actually mind the show overall, its ok, its not really what I consider to be star trek but its a watchable show. But this latest episode was just really really poor by any standard.

However the guy from The Office is doing a much better job of playing Mudd than I thought he would when I found out he was going to be playing him, so thats a thumbs up at least for the episode.
Gotta love the constant whinging from people who seem to keep on watching a programme they apparently don't like.

We keep watching hoping it will improve!:p

I liked the idea of the episode but the execution was a bit off. Felt like they forced the Burnham/Tyler romance with Stamets saying Tyler wouldn't listen to him. They seemed to outsmart Mudd so easily in the end too.
I will probably come back to it at some stage so i can binge watch it.Surprised Netflix didn't release the whole season in one go like they usually do.

They only tend to do that with programmes that are exclusive to Netflix or have already completely aired elsewhere. This one is being released weekly by CBS in the US.
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