Gotta love the constant whinging from people who seem to keep on watching a programme they apparently don't like.
Okay, you heard him folks. If you don't like anything about Discovery then you can't watch it and you certainly can't criticise it.
Or, you know, maybe just accept that some of us Trek fans are watching this show in the (potentially foolhardy) hope that the writing improves enough to salvage it.

I see we're already at the 're-using plot concepts that we did better before' stage of the show. TNG got that in early with the second story ("The Naked Now", a less-good sequel to "The Naked Time" from TOS) so I guess it's to be commended that STD has waited until episode 7 to take TNG's "Cause and Effect" and combine it with the film Edge of Tomorrow to make it not as good...
I kid. Actually, there was quite a lot to like in this episode. Still some stupid stuff of course, especially the ending. In what universe is it a good idea to let Mudd go after the events of the episode? Alright, no-one died for good - so intent isn't a thing any longer? And we're just going to let a guy who has knowledge of the Super Secret Spore Drive™ go off and trust it to luck that he doesn't tell anyone about it?
Characters having written-in stupidity is still a thing then. And while there was plenty to go around, I'm going to focus on Mudd grabbing hold of the idiot ball when Burnham says 'hey, I'm valuable to the Klingons' and then kills herself. After all, now he'll have to do his time reset trick and that will give the crew the chance to defeat him. A vaguely competent, well-written villain at this point will shrug his shoulders, mutter 'well, you win some you lose some' and settle for taking the prize of the Super Secret Spore Drive™ to the Klingons for a huge payday. Well, you'd assume that the Klingons would actually just kill him and take the drive but that's a whole other level of bad writing to dissect and I really can't face that