New Star Trek series - 2017

Gotta love the constant whinging from people who seem to keep on watching a programme they apparently don't like.

Okay, you heard him folks. If you don't like anything about Discovery then you can't watch it and you certainly can't criticise it.

Or, you know, maybe just accept that some of us Trek fans are watching this show in the (potentially foolhardy) hope that the writing improves enough to salvage it.


I see we're already at the 're-using plot concepts that we did better before' stage of the show. TNG got that in early with the second story ("The Naked Now", a less-good sequel to "The Naked Time" from TOS) so I guess it's to be commended that STD has waited until episode 7 to take TNG's "Cause and Effect" and combine it with the film Edge of Tomorrow to make it not as good...

I kid. Actually, there was quite a lot to like in this episode. Still some stupid stuff of course, especially the ending. In what universe is it a good idea to let Mudd go after the events of the episode? Alright, no-one died for good - so intent isn't a thing any longer? And we're just going to let a guy who has knowledge of the Super Secret Spore Drive™ go off and trust it to luck that he doesn't tell anyone about it?

Characters having written-in stupidity is still a thing then. And while there was plenty to go around, I'm going to focus on Mudd grabbing hold of the idiot ball when Burnham says 'hey, I'm valuable to the Klingons' and then kills herself. After all, now he'll have to do his time reset trick and that will give the crew the chance to defeat him. A vaguely competent, well-written villain at this point will shrug his shoulders, mutter 'well, you win some you lose some' and settle for taking the prize of the Super Secret Spore Drive™ to the Klingons for a huge payday. Well, you'd assume that the Klingons would actually just kill him and take the drive but that's a whole other level of bad writing to dissect and I really can't face that :p
Totally. There are many, many previous Star Trek episodes that wouldn't hold up to this level of scrutiny.
Perhaps. But this new series has launched to much fanfare and from Episode 1 it has struggled. The Klingons are odd, the characters are all unlikeable, the storyline is pretty weak, the theme tune is uninspiring, there are issues with image quality on Netflix that aren't present in other shows. We expect better in this day and age.

Look at Battlestar Galactica for a show that revamped it's original story and turned into a cult classic. Shows like Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse utterly trounce this new Star Trek, it's embarrassing really.

The scrutiny that Discovery is under is not unfair, it's thoroughly deserved considering the expectations that were put upon it. This is the TV equivalent of Mass Effect: Andromeda. I'm just waiting for Michael Burnham to utter the lines "my face is tired".
I accept that trekkies have had there noses smashed out of joint. Totally accept It, it's just a bit boring reading the same complaints now we are 7 episodes in I guess. You're entitled to say it though.

That said, ep7 Was a bit of a stinker but I guess they can now cross timeloop of their list of "sci-fi stories we need to cover at some point" list.

"The theme tune is uninspiring"

More fitting than Enterprise, that's for sure.
I think my biggest issue with the show, isnt necessarily the show itself but the premise. I'm a bit tired of us repeatedly going backwards in the timeline. I want a Star Trek that continues the timeline, set after DS9 and the Dominion Wars, set after Voyager. In essence, I want to see what happens next, not what happened before.

I agree there are some stinkers in Star Trek history , thats why I said it was one of the worst episodes and not THE worst episode. I can forgive much of T:OS because that was written and produced 50 years ago (crikey..half a century), I can even forgive much of the bad episodes of ST:TNG, because that was written and produced in the 1980s, 30 years ago. But today, in 2017, after stuff like Firefly, Expanse, Battlestar Galactica, SG1 etc, I think the bar has been raised since decades ago in terms of TV scifi and I suspect that is why this particular episode of Discovery seemed so poor to me.
Ok that was the first meh episode for me. Blatant homage to OS/TNG style episodes that didn't sit with the new gritty feel.

And what was with that ending?
Mudd basically killed everyone 100+ times over, while trying to sell military secrets to the enemy, in a time of war.

And they let him off with a slap on the wrist?!
Regarding stinkers - any episode on Voyager that involved the holodeck and that God damn Irish town!! Yuck.

Ahhh Fair Haven wasnt it? Always made me think of MMOs, guess in the future that sort of thing would be the equivalent to what we do with MMOs these days. World of FairhavenCraft :D
Yeah that was it! Definitely consigned to the bottom of the pile. Year of Hell was some of the strongest Voyager :D. I wasn't a fan of early TNG or DS9 either (especially episodes that revolved around the Bajorans - zzzzzzz).
The Klingons are odd, the characters are all unlikeable, the storyline is pretty weak, the theme tune is uninspiring, there are issues with image quality on Netflix that aren't present in other shows. We expect better in this day and age.

Each to their own. I'm a big fan of the new Klingons - most interesting Star Trek race in a while - like some of the characters and am warming to some of the others as they become more familiar. The space cow was a little odd, but everything else story wise has worked for me. All in all good stuff and an interesting change of direction. Now what i'd really like is something set beyond NG with a bit more clean, utopia thrown in, but you can't have everything.
For me the series is getting better every week. I really enjoyed this one. a lot of fun and a good homage to TOS as well as TNG.

The ending was very TOS in feel, letting him leave with Stella and her father. Their costumes really looked like they are from ToS as well.
This episode showed the problems with the show.

imo A time loop episode needs to focus on the person that's in the loop and shows how they deal with it and yet the show still focuses on Michael. This in its self was just a very peculiar as the chief engineer had grown a lot since we were first introduced to him and could definitely have held the episode together if it focused on him. Also given his rather anti-social manner it could have been fun watching him interact with the crew day after day and trying to help them (think Bill Murray in Groundhog Day) but instead we focus on Michael again. The stuff going on with Michael was fine but should have been kept for another episode.
the characters are all unlikeable
I don't think they're ALL unlikeable (I'm liking Stamiz's character development, and seeing Tilly coming out of her shell at the party was good to see), but Burnham is certainly insufferable. And since she's the only point-of-view character, that's really bad news for the story, because we're given zero reason to care if she even lives or dies. If they went back to the ensemble cast formula of previous Treks, it wouldn't be too bad.
I am normally pretty easy going when watching these shows and usually can let a lot of thing slide. But, for some reason, Mudd getting off scott free to live happily ever after with his Stella annoyed me. He had the secret of the spore drive. He was a serious threat to the Federation. I thought Stella was just pretending to love him and then was going to vaporise him just when he thought he was home and dry. A woman scorned and all that. But, no!! He gets the girl and the father is happy too.

Ruined my hopes of this new Star Trek been darker and more grittier than previous ones.
Episode 7

First glimpse of startrek that the older generation knows?
I enjoyed it. It didn't make too much sense, as usual, but it was moderate fun.
Strange focus on Michael when it should have followed Mr spore drive.

I don't know where this is going, is it dark is it fun? Is it going to have raunchy sex scenes soon? It wouldn't surprise me at all...

I hope it gets good soon.

I don't mind the theme tune tbh.
I am normally pretty easy going when watching these shows and usually can let a lot of thing slide. But, for some reason, Mudd getting off scott free to live happily ever after with his Stella annoyed me. He had the secret of the spore drive. He was a serious threat to the Federation. I thought Stella was just pretending to love him and then was going to vaporise him just when he thought he was home and dry. A woman scorned and all that. But, no!! He gets the girl and the father is happy too.

Ruined my hopes of this new Star Trek been darker and more grittier than previous ones.
He didn't really have the secrets of the spore drive. he knew some things yes but not actually how it works at all. also when he lost the time crystal he may have forgotten elements from the loop.

I also believe that he isn't getting to live happily ever after, due to running off with her Father's money and in future Stella dies. As noted in ToS.
I'm half way through EP 7 and it just seems a copy of Edge of Tomorrow (and Groundhog Day). Just a bit of a ripoff really.
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