New Star Trek series - 2017

Also dont forget the Classic TNG Classicly awful episode.
Voyager was just a glint in its pappys Eye at this time.

Indeed, I would say that pipped the even more racist episode

for dodginess

but you can write off pretty much the whole of series one apart from the early episode that introduces the Borg:

Although it is only Borg by inference but still a good episode amongst some right stinkers.
Just watched ep 7 last night - no idea what you guys are on about it was a fun episode.
Plot holes yes, as good as other Trek Groundhog day episodes? no - but it was a good watch.
"First officer wasn't possessed or anything. It's the first time he had ever experienced life without fear and it was something he couldn't give up willingly."

Surely that should disqualify him from getting such a prominent role on the ship?
"First officer wasn't possessed or anything. It's the first time he had ever experienced life without fear and it was something he couldn't give up willingly."

Surely that should disqualify him from getting such a prominent role on the ship?
Yeah, big ol' wuss.
"First officer wasn't possessed or anything. It's the first time he had ever experienced life without fear and it was something he couldn't give up willingly."

Surely that should disqualify him from getting such a prominent role on the ship?

So long as he doesn't let that fear affect his work. He is overly cautious but preforms well in battle.
Does anyone else think that the intro music sounds a lot like the intro music for the Fringe? It's the first show I think of when the music comes on.
Does anyone else think that the intro music sounds a lot like the intro music for the Fringe? It's the first show I think of when the music comes on.
Wouldn't know, I hit the "Skip intro/recap" button every episode.
Interesting situation for Saru. Now he knows first hand what striking another officer feels like, just like Burnham. Wonder if it will change him and make him less stuck up and 'perfect'.

I did like the Ep. I'm really confused by the Klingon plot though. I still don't know the female Klingons intentions or who shes actually helping.
I still don't know the female Klingons intentions or who shes actually helping.
You are not supposed to know. That is what is so clever about it. You'll probably find a schism later down the line between sets of Klingons willing to follow and aspire to the "old ways" rather than just follow blind loyalty and effectively pollute themselves.
another episode before "mid season break"

but after very little story and no idea what the battle capabilities are of either ship we're supposedly going 1 on 1 with the big bad klingon boss that will probably end on an actual cliffhanger but nothing can happen because there's still half a season to go
You are not supposed to know. That is what is so clever about it. You'll probably find a schism later down the line between sets of Klingons willing to follow and aspire to the "old ways" rather than just follow blind loyalty and effectively pollute themselves.

I agree but I feel like if they shroud it in too much mystery then it'll just end up like LOST where nothing makes sense.
At the moment we just don't know who she's playing. She's either a double agent, or a double double agent!
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