New Star Trek series - 2017

A mediocre episode. I can't stand the Klingons. They are just so badly done. The only character I love watching is the captain. He's excellent.
It isn't good. It isn't bad. It's incredibly average but I'm sure it will grow. 1st series has a lot of character building to do. Hopefully that will start properly soon too :p

It'll get there, the first season of TNG wasn't exactly stellar either especially the first couple of episodes.
Just watched the latest Orville. That was much better imo. It is a lot more like TNG than discovery. Hopefully season of discovery is better.
That's the thing, I haven't watched TNG, DS9 or VOY in years. My disappointment in Discovery has made me go back again. At least something good has come of it.:D
hate gaps mid-season :(

Mid-season gaps, Neilson ratings and not releasing show globally is why stuff gets pirated, its like the TV industry has learnt nothing from how the music industry was effected when the internet started to get faster and people found mp3...
I'm hoping when they come back from the mid season hiatus they will see sense & ditch the spoken Klingon, only wheel it out for "ceremonial" reasons, & also now that they've committed to a season 2 that should help the quality of the writing with a bit of luck.
The spoken Klingon should have disappeared after the first five minutes of the first episode they were on screen.
I'm hoping when they come back from the mid season hiatus they will see sense & ditch the spoken Klingon, only wheel it out for "ceremonial" reasons, & also now that they've committed to a season 2 that should help the quality of the writing with a bit of luck.
Well in the mid season finale, they do ditch the Klingon for part of the episode as Burnham seems to have a universal translator built in to her communicator.
I do agree that the whole mid-season break thing is an odd concept. I think it's due to the way the networks have shows structured to fill certain slots. Quite why they can't just commission new shows that start as soon as a previous TV show finishes rather than breaking the existing TV show season in half is beyond me. It also begs the question, do Americans not watch TV between mid December and early/mid January?
Captain was ruthless. He risked the life of the Chief Engineer to take them exploring and undoubtably probably killed him in the process via making him jump forever trying to find home dimension.
Sliders much! :D
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