New Star Trek series - 2017

I didn't like the Episode either. I thought it was very strange that a person(Burnham) so good at Vulcan martial arts would suddenly become so useless at fighting. I could possibly believe that Saru is much stronger than he appears, but, if that's the case, why did it take 3 or 4 blows to break the connection to the transmitter? It has lots of little things like this that break the whole show for me. For example, Saru's ability to sense death and danger, yet died 50+ times in the previous episode and didn't feel anything, he even recommended bringing that space whale onboard.
Sensing death is a stupid thing - the guy who came up with that idea should be shot. It adds nothing to the show and it's impossible to utilize because then you'll never get any shock reveals ever again, he'd always see danger coming.
The theme tune is completely fine. The hate makes no sense to me.

Sari will be killed off or something to make way for Michael to be 1st officer in future episodes.

I'd desperately want to see episodes follow other bridge officer. It might make me care a little bit more.
I'd desperately want to see episodes follow other bridge officer. It might make me care a little bit more.


Look at TNG - how much storyline there was - Picard, Riker, Worf, Data, Troi, La Forge, Beverley Crusher, Tasha, Wesley Crusher and other minors like O'Brien and Guinan - anyone who has watched the show will know some backstory or at least storylines/events that happened and would be a big deal if one of them died. SHUT UP WESLEY

Still early doors but no affinity with Discovery characters yet & I find Michael an uninteresting main character.

Time will tell, although they seem to be milking the darkness of some characters so it could really go either way and be something totally different to the previous offerings or just a cringe-fest.
I'm pretty much done with the show. In fact I've been so disappointed with the garbage that is being churned out on Netflix that I have considered cancelling my subscription.

Right now the only reason to keep it is that the kids like watching some shows on it and I've gotten into Mind Hunters
I'm 5/6 episodes into Mind Hunters, that's getting more of my attention than STD or Orville tbh..
Haha well I can afford to watch something for 45 mins a week so I won't stop watching, besides if you don't watch you can't bitch about it.

The thing that blows my mind is the praise that some people post "how good it is" it actually seems like fake Facebook accounts.
It isn't good. It isn't bad. It's incredibly average but I'm sure it will grow. 1st series has a lot of character building to do. Hopefully that will start properly soon too :p
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