Whoa!! So many good deals! This may get expensive...
Eidos Collectors Pack at £35.49 looks good :D
Although just noticed Hitman 3 isn't on Steam... wierd :p
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Hmm... Mirrors Edge for £3.24. For that price I'll check it out and see what the fuss is about.

Yes, it's a title which keeps cropping up in recommendation threads, so I've finally decided to try it. There are some more titles I'd like to pick up, but I'm going to wait and see what the 'today only' deals throw up between now and Jan 4th. Some cheap titles may get even cheaper.

Andrew McP
Edit - Is call of cthulhu any good?

I really liked it. It's a bit rough around the edges in spots, but a real pant filler. . If you are anyway interested in the Lovecraftian mythology, want a good horror FPS, then you really can't go wrong. I'm tempted to get it for a second playthrough without hunting down my box. missus is gonna kill me, i've already got about £100 in my basket. There are so many games here that i've wanted for ages and for say £10/£15 extra, I can have them part of the packs and get an extra 5-10 games with each one. Maybe i'll play the extra games, maybe I won't...but this is bargain central and I did crazy overtime over the last 6 weeks :D
ummmm, highly tempted by Empire: Total War for £14.99. Is it worth it or should I just wait for Napolean in Feb?
How about the DLC for Empire, also worth it? :o

Its worth it with the warpath campaign, don't bother with elite units or anything.

Its probably worth waiting for an even better deal later on (there is bound to be a better price) and get Napolean later. its not as if there aren't enough games going cheaply on Steam at the minute to keep you occupied! Get Rome. I did. Never played that one but have played all the others.

Also, is Unreal Tournament 3 Black worth it? I'm tempted by the deal. Have only played the original Unreal Tournament, is it just like that but new and more vehicles?
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Just snapped up civ 4, batman AA and GTA4, none of which ive played before :)
Its worth it with the warpath campaign, don't bother with elite units or anything.

Its probably worth waiting for an even better deal later on (there is bound to be a better price) and get Napolean later. its not as if there aren't enough games going cheaply on Steam at the minute to keep you occupied! Get Rome. I did. Never played that one but have played all the others.

Also, is Unreal Tournament 3 Black worth it? I'm tempted by the deal. Have only played the original Unreal Tournament, is it just like that but new and more vehicles?

TBH UT3 isnt worth more than the couple of quid it is selling for, completely dead online so unless you really like single player games or you can deal with only having a choice of one/two modes and one/two games per mode at best to play in then its not worth it
Gah, all the games I really want are still in the £14.99 region. I really want Dragon Age and MW2 though. :(

And what strikes me upon browsing all 2099 games, there are a helluva lot of casual ones that I'm sure I'd enjoy but don't want to risk shelling out as there are no demos.
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Well, that's me broke again. All the money saved from last month will be spent on Steam this month :p
I'm going to wait and see what each of the daily deals are just in case some games are slashed even more than the 10-day discount price.
The Witcher Enhanced edition. Worth it at £7.81 ?

That was one of the best deals on there! Shame I've got most of them already though..

Anyone else notice what it says under the title when you click on the RPG section? "I put on my robe and wizard hat" :D
Space Quest Complete Collection £2.49
King's Quest Complete Collection £2.49

Must buys right there. Don't know about the Lucas Arts one though, I mean I've got most of them and ScummVM.

Oh come on, Second Sight is on there. This isn't fair.
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i almost bought gta4 but then i came to my senses. i already own the retail dvd. i was just tempted because it meant i wouldn't have to get the disk out whenever i want to play. :o

SecuRom leaked a no-disk fix by mistake a while back...see this forum on Steam. I play mine without a disk :)
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