I actually hope this is real, but that it's another DCEU Multiverse branch, and that they're doing Calvin Ellis rather than Clark Kent. Would be nice to have a different take on the Superman story, rather than another reboot, and another rehashing of the same tale.
Just a hypothetical here, but... The Curse of Superman with Nicolas Cage finally getting his chance to play Supes on the big screen, as the movie's villain.
If they're just casting a black guy as Clark Kent then I've got mixed feelings. If they conducted "colourblind" testing and a black guy was the best fit for the role then fair enough. But I'm less keen if they if the decision was made before casting. And given the rumours about the writer and director attached to the movie, my suspicion is it's the latter...
The reports are that they are not using the black superman from an alternative earth, they are race-washing Clark Kent.
They also say that like 'The Batman', it's taking place outside of the DCEU, so potentially a multiverse situation (see rumours surrounding the Flash movie). There's plenty of scope within the rumours for this to be an alternative version of Superman/Kal-El/Kalel.
Why can't we just have a film with another Kryptonian (who could be black) as the main character in the existing Superman universe? He could even "save" white superman if needed?
There’s a really good version of Superman where he lands in Ukraine/Russia (12 hours later). It’s called Superman: Red Son. In that version, communism is the worldwide norm and the US is deemed to be like how North Korea is to us today.
So if that can be great then I don’t see why a black version of superman can’t be interesting in its own right if done well.
The reports say "Kal-El" (per Hollywood Reporter, the source of the story). No specific mention of Clark Kent. They also say that like 'The Batman', it's taking place outside of the DCEU, so potentially a multiverse situation (see rumours surrounding the Flash movie). There's plenty of scope within the rumours for this to be an alternative version of Superman/Kal-El/Kalel.
Still reeks of tokenism though; "Look how socially aware we are - we're looking to make a Superman movie with a black actor, black director, and black writer! Aren't we amazing?"...![]()
Val-Zod is the Earth-2 black superman. He is already a character with a full back story. Kal-El is Clark Kent.
Many black people have a different culture and roots to many white people, as many Asian people have a different culture and roots to many Latino people. All have similarities too.What would be interesting about a black superman? It's like changing the colour of your character in a game?
Michael B Jordan is a terrible choice. He has no element of superman about him at all. For starters he’s only 5’10 ffs. That’s one shortarse Superman.
Did anyone even care about the Catwoman movie though? Anyone on here seen it?
I think it would be due to the fact Catwoman isn't that great of a character and no one gave two hoots, They could fire Brie Larrson and bring in a Black woman...same thing no one cares about those characters.