New Warcraft Guild for OcUK

Not at all mate. There are a couple of members rolling DKs. I think one is moving one over to the server soon, (may have done so already) so go ahead and start one up. I am not sure but I don't think there is any one at 60 yet.

There is talk about doing some vanilla raids come 60 so I think we could put a level cap on (yes I know I said we are not that sort of guild but there has been interest in it) to let a few other catch up and consequently get a big raid team going. Just a thought.

Once the website is finished I am sure there will be more guild guidlines and rules etc posted in there.
Hi guys I have just (nearly) completed the guild website intro thing with guidelines (yet to come) let me know what you think.

Welcome to OCUK, the official OCUK World of Warcraft guild. Here you will find, Geeks, Noobs, Freaks and many more silly words. We are all grammor nazis and pick holes in everyone’s posts on the OCUK forums. We hate all walks of life and the Daily Mail, “send 'em back I say, send 'em back” echoes around the forum like a Yodel in the Mountains that are in the Alps.

This guild is a REAL HARD CORE guild. We raid 46 times a week on Monday and Wednesday. We so hard core we enter the raids with 50 people.


Apart from a stick to jab some bosses eye out.

We swear in /g cos we banned from doing so in /ocuk, we talk about peado bear cos we banned from doing so in /ocuk and we also like jesus.jpg

cool story bro.

If you like the idea of this motley crew of ramshackle layabouts and would like to partake in questing and killing boars then this is the guild for you. If not. Go back to being Playstaion fan boys.

Anyway enough of the intro.

The Guild: What are we?

We are (mostly) all members of the worlds best computing forum/shop and we are a diverse bunch of guys and gals, I think! Easy to get on with and always help each other in game when we can. The guild chat is active and during the evening you can find a fair few of us playing, daytime is a little quieter due to a good amount of us are working full time. Some of us have families and that reduces the time we can play but none the less there will always be someone to talk to and group with.

We will not tolerate bad behaviour in the guild. Anyone insulting other members either in the guild or else where in the game will be dealt with accordingly. Don't forget the Forum/shop name is our guild name and people will know who we are and where we reside. So please respect the OCUK brand and give OCUK a good reputation in the World of Warcraft.

The Guild: What are we doing here?

We are getting ready for the new expansion coming out next year, The Warlords of Draenor. We have started from level one with no gold or looms. Some have rolled Dks, some have transferred other characters over to join us. Its doesn’t matter. Just play how you want and with what you want. There will be plenty of variety when it comes to taking part in end game content.

Many of us have re-subbed due to the new expansion and some have started again thanks to the level of interest in the guild. After a few days the members count was well into its 30s and as of now we are looking at 50+ members. We are not rushing to 90, you take your time and level as slow as you want or as quick as you want. There is no pressure.

The Guild: Some ideas.

Raiding at expansions.

There has been interest in members taking part in some of the older content either because the missed it first time or just fancy having a look around again. This is a great idea but will need some organisation. The way it could be done is to have a level cap put in place. Now I know this isn’t the way the guild was started but interest has sort of changed this a little.

The way this could be done is this... If you would like to be part of Vanilla+ raiding then you are free to cap at 60, 70 for The Burning Crusade and 80 for Wrath of the Lich King and so on. There is no set rule you HAVE to cap but if you are wanting to do these raids then that’s the way to do it. The guild could be a two part guild, part one members can do the level capping and part two just go ahead and level to 90 and end game content. Anyone can do as they please. If you find you don't fancy staying at 60 etc to clear content then by all means un-cap and carry on.

This is just an idea so far but instead of forcing everyone to do one thing having two options is better for everyone.

Guild events.

We are not an RP guild so no-one is forced to play in character. However it would be fun if every now and then we all get together and do some Capital City march/group up and generally have a break from levelling and have a bit of fun with others not in our guild. This has been done many times before in many guilds and is always a winner, everyone enjoys it. Imagine 30/40 members all mounting up in Razor Hill and 'walking' to Ogrimmar, this will gain a great deal of interest and much fun will be had. Even better if some one records it with some cool tunes playing..:-)

The Guild: RULES

I think its a bad idea to have a guild on so many different levels, kinda defeats the whole point of playing together.

it would have made sense to have a cap even if it was to let others with lives catch up

I see what your saying but I don't think it will separate members into two groups (yes there would be 2 groups but not like in that way of being segregated). There will always be people playing normally at the same level as those that are capped if they so wish.. Its a choice anyone can make. It gives people options.

To be honest I might even cap at 60 just to do the twins agin on AQ40... in my last guild was had a hard time with those two but once we downed them it was like the best thing ever..

edit: If people are wanting achievements the best way is to cap. Rep grinding for instance, getting too far in front of the game slows down getting exalted with factions etc. Same goes for raids and pets etc. Yeah we can do them at 90 and walk them but its more fun doing it with others..
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points all taken in but I would like to say that I never said capping will be forced.. Its a choice for players if they so wish.. Don't forget it was only an idea nothing is set in stone. If players are wanting to do older content for whatever reason then they can but making sure you dont level over that cap is needed in some way. Yes we all know we are going to over powered but still, people might still want to do them. Its a choice for those wanting to take part. I dont want people to get the wrong impression.

If we was going to be a capping guild it would have been mentioned in the OP. For now its an idea for those interested in capping , that is all :-)

Anyway...... Website could be online tonight:-)
Where is the need to cap people? Because they have more time than yourself to play so level faster? Because they do not want to read every single quest or bit of text? It is silly to do that as not everyone plays the game at the same speed or even the same way.

I'll happily come back and blast through old content with someone even if I have out levelled it, Remember just because you are running around on your own does not mean you are on your own... the guild is a social one as well as a gaming one.

no no... its not for people getting in front its for people who want to do older raids..... at the right level.. although its will be a walk in the park but thats not the point :)
There will NOT be a level cap enforcement in place. IF PEOPLE WANT TO CAP to do older content then that will be up to the individual members..:D

E: OOPS caps
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Ok we need a logo/banner designed.. The theme is .......

A bus.. with a bang...Oh and an old lady/npc character from the game.


450x110 please and no more..(for the main banner)
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Ok folks as the site is now active, still a little left to do on it, however it would be good if you could all register on the site and get some comments, feed back, tips, and suggestions posted. Also don't forget we need a banner made for the site. So any of you that are good with PS get designing :-)

website here

Make sure you either sign up with your ocuk forum name or toon name BUT you must add your toon name in the box that is on the reg screen, you will see it. It will give the guild forums a nice drop dwon/pop up box with all you toon details on it. Pretty smart too.
If you make a post in a thread somewhere you will see the hover over thing on your avatar toon name.

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Not entirely sure how good they are as healers but if you start one get it to 15 and spam dungeons. 99% of the time you will not have to wait for a group to form and you will soon get used to how a Monk healer works..
It's nice to see more people joining up. Having a community like this is great to see. To add, the activity in the guild has been excellent since the first day. There is always someone one, apart from silly o'clock.

Now I am off nights and soon to resume normality I will be on more now. Not really had much chance to play due to working and sleeping and that's pretty much it.
Sharpygsxr said:
Overachievers only disbanded due to the leadership abandoning the guild when they got bored, theres still some of us original Overachievers still playing we just had to find new homes.

Hopefully this current guild has the strength and depth to continue when the initial excitement starts to wane.

For the new people tho and people returning from a break its a great time so enjoy

I think we will have a good strong guild once most if not all of us hit 90. Plenty of variety on players activity, not really one for playing 24/7 myself. Everyone seems to be having fun so far and personally I don't think the excitement will run out because with us being part of this forum we will always be here and chatting in some way and keeping banter going into the game with always help.

When we start to do endgame content we will have a good knowledge of each other and I will like to add this little statement:

Once we are ready to do endgame content there will be NO intimidating of other players. NO calling people noobs. NO insulting players because we wiped 5 times in a row. The reason is this, not everyone has raided or even done heroic dungeons before so people will be starting from the beginning regarding these events. Including me from Cata on wards (never done anything dungeon or raid wise from that point)

We, as a guild will support ALL members even if they are veterans at the game. Teaching and coaching in all aspects of the game.

In a word.... Patient!!:)

I'd say that's something to discuss further down the line ?
At the moment it's just a casual leveling guild where we are all having a bit of fun, in the future it could be more but not worth the effort of working it all out when everyone is still starting a fresh in my eyes.

At the moment we have Rainagul as an Officer. We will require a couple more at the bare minimum once we start to do higher content but it will be discussed later on. I feel the need to have a week break from the game every few months just to recharge and chill in my spare time. This doesn't mean I will be away from the game totally I will still log in remote and chat and keep forums up to date etc, just not playing the game as much. I hope you all have a break once in a while just so not to burn out and not carry on playing. A break is needed in this game just like real life and work. Holidays work wonders for your well being.

Once we do get to endgame we will have a more solid leadership structure in place like you said its something to look at later on. For now we will just have fun.
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