Updated the OP with guild address.. cheers for reminding me
Hi Piemungus here, you are allowing alts now, correct? Can you have a 90 alt?
I should be on tonight keep an eye out for Ragnash or Bónjella I should be on from around 10pm ish (Got an open day at work will 7.30).
If you do a /w OCUK you should find someone on I think most people who are still active can invite.
On a side note maybe the leadership of the OCUK Horde guild should be transferred to someone who is more active on the Horde side as the current leader appears to have jumped ship to go raiding.
I really enjoy the company of the people who are left in the OCUK guild a good group of mature and social players be a shame if that died out.
If you are running raids and want an extra dps then drop me a message ingame via BattleTag. My details are in the BattleTag ID thread and in here somewhere. Always happy to dps. Currently a 532/527 dps/prot warrior but I think you have enough tanks for reading this thread lol.
I took ownership of my guild last night following discussions amongst our management team. Our existing GM was too interested in his own alts than running the guild so he was made to step down. We are now starting a bit of recruitment and restructure to build the guild up and see where it takes us.
Droolinggimp I had the same thing with my WoW folder. Moved it to my main SSD and it is much better. Seems that the disk is accessed a lot during play and it frags it really easily.