Has anyone got a good plan for server/company? Preferably UK and something that won't die within a week (looking at you OCUK).
Don't invest in anything run by someone here, last time someone tried to do one with WoW Classic it was a huge ****show.
I'm sure there are better suited recruitment forums on reddit and the official forums.
The problem is that he's locked into 1 view of what an MMO ought to be, and he's using that lens to judge New World. This is why in the video and the comments he's so focused on the number of abilities. This is all he knows and he can't break free of that mindset. So yes there's less total abilities that can be slotted for use in combat, but the combat also introduces other things that tab-target MMOs do not have, like the importance of position, aim, timing, dodging, stamina management etc. Abilities are only some fraction of the combat, something he focuses on to the exclusion of everything else. That's why his view on this is so myopic.
I don't see a problem with his opinion other than the fact that approx 20 hours invested into a new MMO simply isn't enough time to give a balanced and fair opinion.
To use an example of WoW, my first 20 hours in Durotar absolutely don't define my experience playing WoW in the past, there was way to much I didn't know.