Newcastle Utd, Official thread

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Jet said:
And there is no way that we can finish top 6 with this current squad and current injuries and you are, in my opinion, a fool to think that.
Why are you calling him a fool? Everyone is entitled to their view thats why we all bother to reply to yours.
Its a discussion, you shouldn't use it to have a cheap shot at a guy who doesn't agree with you, and well it seems everyone doesn't agree with you so are we all fools?
The only difference Given would have made, is MAYBE against Sheff Utd we'd have drawn 0-0

But for crying out loud can't you see whats wrong with that statement?! DRAWING at HOME against SHEFFIELD UTD!

Thats nothing to be proud of!

We need to score, every team leaks goals, but if we were good enough we'd have beaten Sheff U 3-1.

Sacking the manager is over and over again said not to be the right thing, well quite frankly, if a DECENT manager was installed, we wouldnt need to discuss these things.
The only reason we keep sacking them is because they are never good enough in the first place, Souness, Dagleish, Gullit, Roeder.

SBR was the only manager since Keegan who was good.

Martins looks rubbish anyway! At least the system we play him in anyway. Sib's is the only striker who actually plays for the shirt, we have Luque who can do the job, but Roeder is refusing to play the lad, his confidence is shot to bits.

Roeders clueless tactics, long ball, with no tall strikers, totally boring to watch and ineffective. Managers suss our tactics out very easily and we have no effect.

If you're telling me Roeder is the right man for the job, YOU are the one in the wrong.

And yes, I believe that with a decent manager we would be top 6 or VERY close even with the injuries, that are basically, just a Souness excuse.
Vegeta said:
Why are you calling him a fool? Everyone is entitled to their view thats why we all bother to reply to yours.
Its a discussion, you shouldn't use it to have a cheap shot at a guy who doesn't agree with you, and well it seems everyone doesn't agree with you so are we all fools?

I made it clear it was my opinion. Just because I think it doesn't make it so. If you think it's against the rules then report it. If it makes a difference I apologise.

SeanyK said:
The only difference Given would have made, is MAYBE against Sheff Utd we'd have drawn 0-0

You can't possibly be sure of that, nor can I. That's why people shouldn't be so quick to judge the team when we have injuries. We don't know how well we would have done with the strikers fit and others. That's why I would rather wait and see instead of sacking the manager. Have you noticed that no-one is calling for Roeder to be sacked? Not the papers or the fans. There was no demonstrations outside the club for the sacking of Roeder. Just Shepherd.

It's all well and good looking at past managers and saying they're rubbish. I don't disagree, but then that's the benefit of hindsight. And i'm not defending the board for those decisions. A lot of fans wanted Roeder as the manager and Shepherd gave in.

SeanyK said:
Martins looks rubbish anyway! At least the system we play him in anyway. Sib's is the only striker who actually plays for the shirt, we have Luque who can do the job, but Roeder is refusing to play the lad, his confidence is shot to bits.

Martins is rubbish and Luque needs to be given a chance? Contradiction there I think. Martins, in my opinion is far from rubbish and hasn't played enough games so far; he played well enough for Inter Milan before we signed him. Luque has done a lot less in my opinion. Either they are rubbish and you drop them or you give them a chance, you can't have it both ways.

Sibierski isn't even a striker!! You think our injury problems aren't bad but we play Sib out of position. He may play for his shirt (and I agree with that, he does) but he isn't good enough and we are playing him because we have to. He was never intended to be a first team player. Most fans didn't even want him at the time. I'm glad we got him because we need him atm.

SeanyK said:
And yes, I believe that with a decent manager we would be top 6 or VERY close even with the injuries

Top 6 with 1 of our 2nd choice strikers fit? I don't think so. Liverpool can't even get there with a full strength squad.

As I've said. If we play as bad as we did against Sheff Utd and Man City with players returning from injury then yes I will change my mind. People seem to forget that most of the performances before that weren't reflected in the results.

Who would you get as manager out of interest?
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The reason they are not calling for Roeder to be sacked, and they are calling for the chairman instead is BECAUSE of his managerial appointments generally creating failure for the club.

Roeder is a nice guy, the fans are frustrated HE is in control but they are venting the anger at FS not Roeder.

Players are rubbish when they come to us, look at Duff, he's nothing like he was at Chelsea, Martins will end up like that.
The reason is the tactics, coaching, and fitness, with decent staffing we could be a real force.

It's all very well claiming results didnt justify the performances, Souness said that, his assistant manager Alan Murray told the MOTD cameraman that every week "We were unlucky" "We deserved to win" etc etc Completely deluded.
Instead of feeling sorry for yourselves, get out there and win the match!

Some of Roeders comments have been just as bad!

For a manager of NUFC i'd want either;

Gerrard Houllier - PROVEN Class in the premiership, Liverpool WERE a good team under him.
Ottmar Hitzfeld - Need I say more!
Christoph Daum (recently linked, I think he'd do a good job)

I definately do not want Alan 'boring' Curbishley, or George Graham!
And definately not Shearer.
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Clerkin said:
Roeder compares him to Henry :p

“Henry did not have an immediate impact when he joined Arsenal but Arsene Wenger was patient with him and the rest, as they say, is history.”

How is that funny? He just says Henry took a while to settle, he makes no comparision between the respective players skill levels.

I really understand why the Nigerian FA chief is complaining, if Martins doesn't score that's his fault (if he is getting service, which he has received when he has played). It's not Newcastle's fault if he is dropped from his national team, it's his own for not performing. By the way, I'm not having a dig at Martins it's directed at the Nigerian FA bloke.

I think Martins need to be cut some slack, he's played a handful of games in a new country (and still scored 3 goals) and he's already being told to quit.
if we can sell him at a profit then thats fine by me.
*dreAMING* say 15m then get 2 experianced strikers with that.
and WHEN not if we sell luque theres say another 6-8 mill, so lets just say 20 mill from the sale of those 2, we coudl really get 2 maybe 3 really good experianced players in which would help a lot if they didn't get injured.

I would guess at beattie? R keane? D bent? Defoe?

Bridge (loan) Huth, any other non plank bramble esque player.
SeanyK said:
Ottmar Hitzfeld - Need I say more!

Jofujofu said:
Gets my vote, and got my vote before GR was appointed.


Agreed. I like Roeder, but he's out of his depth and I dont fancy going into freefall any more than we already are.

And I also agree that we should hang onto Oba, the lad's a class act. Once he finds his feet he'll be a great signing for us. Now I just wish we'd play Luque up front with him regularly and they can both get some confidence. Keep the loan signing who is only back up, as back up. Same with Sibierski, he's got squad player written all over him. And poor old Shola, he needs that op badly.

Still, we're going to get panned by Arsenal whatever we do :)
CliffyG said:
Newcastle have got a good striker in Martins and need to hang on to him.

Let see how he cope with the pressure and expectation in big match. He needs some games to get back to match fitness.
Just in case any new fans are put off by this, heres a guide to supporting NUFC

The Checklist

1) When you're at an outdoor entertainment event and the temperature has dropped below freezing, do you feel an unaccountable urge to strip to the waist?

2) Do you prefer your team to sign a string of trophy players instead of winning actual trophies?

3) Are you looking for a team whose players have interests outside the game, such as perfecting the ability to park a Ferrari upside down on a swing-bridge?

4) Do you like nothing better than spending your time hanging about in an airport, and then posting on message boards that you've spotted Otmar Hitzfeld, Kaka, Ronaldinho, Alessandro Nesta and Gigi Buffon signing contracts in the VIP lounge?

5) Are you prepared to spend an entire midweek afternoon standing outside a football stadium in driving sleet, in order to welcome the new manager whose sacking you'll be demanding in one year's time?

6) Is your idea of a good atmosphere to sit in brooding silence for minutes at a time, before bellowing like a moose in rutting season when the referee doesn't give you that vital throw-in at the halfway line?

7) Do you like the idea of watching football with a fat man's naked belly resting on the back of your neck?


8) Eschewing the new fancy-dan, multi-millionaire playboy chairmen, are you looking for a club with the more traditional type who looks like Clive James after a car crash?

9) Is your desire to fit in with your fellow fans so strong that you welcome a club policy that refuses entry to anyone who isn't wearing at least seven items of replica kit from the club shop?

10) Women, do you sport a fake tan so vivid that people think you're an evacuee from Chernobyl? Men, do you find an F cup pinches a bit around the bosom?


Hello...The Phone-In Phrases

"Hello, is that 606? I just wanted to say the Geordie fans were fantastic today man, like!"

"Hello, is that TalkSport? Alan Shearer was - still is, mind! - the best centre-forward in the country and an absolute legend and always wanted to elbow people in tha heed an' take penalties for THIS club, rather than go somewhere else and win stuff."

"Hello, is that 606? Newcastle United are a massive club. MASSIVE, I'm tellin' yez."

"Hello, is that Radio Newcastle? Geordie fans are the best in the country. By. A. Mile, man."

Get The Accent

The simplest way to get the Geordie accent is to eat one of the superheated, scalding pies served at St James', which strip the roof of your mouth and soon have you shouting angrily and speaking authentically.

You Are The Pundit

It's all about passion in the north east. Look at that sea of black and white.

Club History

Newcastle United Football Club was formed in 1992 by Kevin Keegan.

How To Fit In With A Single Sentence

Me fatha's boss's plumber's proctologist drinks in the same wine bar as the instructor what taught the lad Eto'o Spanish, like, and he swore BLIND that he divvent wanta go to Barceler-na in the first place and apparently he's comin' through the Newcastle first chance 'e gets.

Shamelessly stolen from f365
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