At least here I can say exactly how I am feeling, it is draining to smile for people at Christmas because you do not want to ruin the day for them, too me now Christmas all that comes to mind is I'll never get another beautiful card made by her, I'll never have to make a special meal for us, I'll never get to watch her crafting and planing presents for others and I will never get to see her smile again.
I see all the adverts on telly showing family and celebration even more than normal Television.
All that on top of every time I leave the house I expect to be struggling to get her wheelchair over the big step, every time I leave the house now, I know that nothing is waiting for me when I get home because for 20 years the only time I would leave the house without her it was to pick up something or fetch a take out but the best part about leaving that house was getting back home to her.
I have no family, no close friends , it was basically her and me for the last 20 years, since her death I have probably had apart from the funeral one visitor to the house.
Not that I am in any shape to have visitors or make new friends yet.
I have talked to Samaritans, Douglas Macmillan bereavement councillors my GP is worried about me, I've been referred to clinical psychology (2nd January).
People think I am a suicide risk.
Lets be honest I am in certain ways, its not that I am planning to top myself but lets say I have this surgery and the prognosis afterwards (they will check how bad it is once they have it out of me) its all about how far it has spread, if the prognosis is bad as in I can't be cured of this cancer (I don't mind going through chemo if its not just a backstop to give me a couple or 6 months more). So if it is good news even if it means a year of chemo I will fight it, if its bad news then I am damn well going out on my own terms, If Paola was alive yes I'd fight for every single extra day alive.
Even if I fight it and beat it, I will still be coming home to an empty house.
Those in this thread who have suffered this kind of tragedy are the only ones who can truly understand the physical pain and torture of this kind of loss and like most people I have talked to, it never goes away, it helps if you keep busy or have family or children, you can focus and distract yourself, but every quiet moment is filled with feels and loss so dark and lonely its hard to put into words and believe me I am so so happy that most of you have not had to feel this, I am so happy that most of you good people here don't understand because I honestly wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Imagine it a depressing dark and lonely pain so bad that your actually grateful for the distraction of Bowel Cancer.
I am not giving up and I do plan on setting up a games/movie/bbq/VR night/afternoon at my place after all this is done, I do plan on visiting places Paola would have loved to, I may even volunteer at the local hospital after all I already have all the skills.
I am just in a very dark place at the moment.