@Calranthe Thank you for sharing exactly what happened yesterday, it was a tough read but you can tell again that you both love each other very much. From everything you've written she sounds like a wonderful person and I find myself regretting I didn't get the opportunity to know her.
I've lost people close to me over the years, not under the same circumstances but for example my dad had long term heart problems, we lived under the shadow of it possibly happening at any time but when it did it still came as a complete shock, the suddenness and finality of it is abhorrent.
I wouldn't wish what you're going through on my worst enemy. My Dad passed away 15 years ago this month and its still hard sometimes but I promise it does get easier, try and find some way of letting your emotions out though, I bottled everything up trying to be strong for everyone else and it almost destroyed my life. Just do it on your own terms, theres no rule book on how someone should grieve
My fiancées family live about 30mins from Stoke on trent, in the new year once my mobility has improved if you'd like to meet up for a coffee or a bite to eat or anything. I'm more than happy to come hang out for a bit.
Keep posting on here if and when you feel up to it, we may be a bunch of strangers on the internet but we are here for you mate.