*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

riddler, you invite me for a league game, I quit the current game I'm playing just for you, then you **** off and play another game (which I'm hoping was a league game , and thus making this post void), ignoring my messages, come on mate
Liam: Riddler: Sorry mic, i didn't think you was going to accept just left to play lucifer. Also my xbox live has been down for a few days so i'm back playing my games over the next few days got 3 done tonight. GG Lucifur & Riddler 1 - Utajoker182 0
Liam: just post that for me :D
Liam: i'm banned for 4 days
Liam: sorry add on the end P.S riddler has a temp ban till the 7th

Liam = Riddler i think?!
Riddler 1 utajoker182 0

lucifurr1982 1 Riddler 4

Sorry Riddler spoke to the other GM (Andy) about this and its a case of too little too late. Even if you played the lads that were on tonight your going to be short of the rest of us and holding it up for everyone. Your gone for now, maybe we will have a space in a future league for you.
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We would have given Riddler the beneift of the doubt if he'd communicated somehow on Live but he hasn't really with everyone, no one has heard anything from him. We want to get the next league started ASAP and even if Riddler could comitt to playing every night I doubt his opposition could.

Sorry mate.

On a happier note Fubsy will be included in the next league. Hencore can you make the necassary changes please.
What is it with these bad losers throwing toys out the pram and quitting? I got my second win against Naboon (Riddler), but oh no, its all in vain as he decides to quit the league, great going mate, you are a real sport.
We would have given Riddler the beneift of the doubt if he'd communicated somehow on Live but he hasn't really with everyone, no one has heard anything from him. We want to get the next league started ASAP and even if Riddler could comitt to playing every night I doubt his opposition could.

Sorry mate.

On a happier note Fubsy will be included in the next league. Hencore can you make the necassary changes please.

I personally thing Riddler should be given the benefit of the doubt and at least the chance to show that he can play the rest of the games.

let's not forget Fubsy originally started this league and threw his toys outta the pram...
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