After 2 weeks of no Nexus 5 due to front being smashed by the hulk, its finally been returned to me.
Just wish to add a few things with regards to my experience, some might find useful.
The smash
Dropped from Hip height, total screen destruction, was a face impact only.
Protection on phone
Rhino screen protector.
Totally smashed, screen protector did nothing at all, even though advertised as a "face down smash protector", check out youtube videos for these claims too.
Emailed them and i got a very lengthy reply about how the drop must not exceed a certain angle and speed of impact....
The repair
Sent off to Official LG repair center, and was expecting a costly repair , given the horror stories online .
Very impressed with their response and quickness in dealing with me, and the total cost was £105.84. quite pleased with that.
Now its time to look after phone a bit better, so looking into getting a bumper and screen protector, but questions:
1: Does a "impact protector" stop screen scratches? or is it one or the other.
2: What is a good bumper to use on the phone( like Rearth Ringke Slim Cases) but do they provide any protection though, (google red bumper looks good though too)
3: Glass protector? hear good things but worried its mostly hype like the rhino protector was, can you justify them over a normal standard screen protector.?
Looking for advice on just a bit of protection for phone, not a nuclear bunker for it though

hope this helps others if they brake phone as i found official processes of repair good( shock i know)