*** Nexus 5 THE Official Thread ***

After a week of using it reasonably (i.e. web browsing, email, facebook, a few games, listening to music, fiddling with settings, texts and a handful of apps) from getting up at 630 till bed time there's still a good 15% or so left. I consider that to be pretty good going. I left it one day just for text messaging and very light use, and I'd have got over 24hr's worth of use.
After 2 weeks of no Nexus 5 due to front being smashed by the hulk, its finally been returned to me.

Just wish to add a few things with regards to my experience, some might find useful.

The smash
Dropped from Hip height, total screen destruction, was a face impact only.

Protection on phone
Rhino screen protector.

Totally smashed, screen protector did nothing at all, even though advertised as a "face down smash protector", check out youtube videos for these claims too.

Emailed them and i got a very lengthy reply about how the drop must not exceed a certain angle and speed of impact....:rolleyes:

The repair

Sent off to Official LG repair center, and was expecting a costly repair , given the horror stories online .
Very impressed with their response and quickness in dealing with me, and the total cost was £105.84. quite pleased with that.;)

Now its time to look after phone a bit better, so looking into getting a bumper and screen protector, but questions:

1: Does a "impact protector" stop screen scratches? or is it one or the other.

2: What is a good bumper to use on the phone( like Rearth Ringke Slim Cases) but do they provide any protection though, (google red bumper looks good though too)

3: Glass protector? hear good things but worried its mostly hype like the rhino protector was, can you justify them over a normal standard screen protector.?

Looking for advice on just a bit of protection for phone, not a nuclear bunker for it though :)
hope this helps others if they brake phone as i found official processes of repair good( shock i know)
Received my RED 32gb Nexus 5 last night, bloody quick delivery, I ordered it the day before so that was a nice surprise...It is VERY bright as Google say, looking more orange I'd say but I do like it, my wife doesn't :p

Switching to ART now to see if that makes much difference, hard to comment on battery yet as I've been hammering it with installs etc, and coming from a Note 3 which was a beast on battery probably doesn't help my expectations.

Much prefer the screen though to my Nexus 4, feels much snappier too, currently using Nova launcher Prime.

It is great to be on stock Android again though I tell you! :D
I just bought the red dbrand back and side skin for my black N5, I've settled on just using the side skin and the lens piece from the back skin.
It just gives a nice bit of red contrast to the black.
After 2 weeks of no Nexus 5 due to front being smashed by the hulk, its finally been returned to me.

Just wish to add a few things with regards to my experience, some might find useful.

The smash
Dropped from Hip height, total screen destruction, was a face impact only.

Protection on phone
Rhino screen protector.

Totally smashed, screen protector did nothing at all, even though advertised as a "face down smash protector", check out youtube videos for these claims too.

Emailed them and i got a very lengthy reply about how the drop must not exceed a certain angle and speed of impact....:rolleyes:

The repair

Sent off to Official LG repair center, and was expecting a costly repair , given the horror stories online .
Very impressed with their response and quickness in dealing with me, and the total cost was £105.84. quite pleased with that.;)

Now its time to look after phone a bit better, so looking into getting a bumper and screen protector, but questions:

1: Does a "impact protector" stop screen scratches? or is it one or the other.

2: What is a good bumper to use on the phone( like Rearth Ringke Slim Cases) but do they provide any protection though, (google red bumper looks good though too)

3: Glass protector? hear good things but worried its mostly hype like the rhino protector was, can you justify them over a normal standard screen protector.?

Looking for advice on just a bit of protection for phone, not a nuclear bunker for it though :)
hope this helps others if they brake phone as i found official processes of repair good( shock i know)

forget the screen protector, glass protector tbh, waste of money tbh unless you stick keys in the same pocket, etc and are likely to scratch the screen.

get a decent case which protects the face not a bumper a bumper only protects the edges if it lands on something like a stone the screen will hit the stone directly. if it lands on a completely flat surface then bumpers are good.


that is really good for the money, it is made using cheap material though and is bulky

otherwise something like these





iPlayer suddenly stopped working for anyone elses? Dumps me to my home screen soon as I select watch live. Might be 'cos I am on ART though.
@stoosh I decided against that crazy lumo-green wife-annoying wrap after reading some duff reviews over at XDA.... got a Ringke Fusion on the way as an interim while I decide what to do.

It's great as a naked phone, but really do need to get it cased or wrapped, after my nephew gooshed the chamfered edges of my pristine iPhone 5 by dropping it on a concrete floor in his dad's garage!

My 1 week 1 line review would say: I can't believe how much I've missed unmolested Android. It's just awesome. Feels all kinds of wrong using an iPhone 4s work phone.

Google Music now at 5100+ of 19000+ songs uploaded/matched. I reckon another week or so for full cover.
^^ I know what you mean about using an iphone. I have a 4s for work, and an ipad 4 - both are great devices, but very frustrating to use as well when you're used to the flexibility of something like android.
After 2 weeks of no Nexus 5 due to front being smashed by the hulk, its finally been returned to me.

Just wish to add a few things with regards to my experience, some might find useful.

The smash
Dropped from Hip height, total screen destruction, was a face impact only.

welcome to the smashed screen club!
I have a official bumper on my new one now, dropped it a few times and seems to have done the job.

but yeh as with most modern phones, the screens smash way to easily.
After 2 weeks of no Nexus 5 due to front being smashed by the hulk, its
Rhino screen protector.


The repair

Now its time to look after phone a bit better, so looking into getting a bumper and screen protector, but questions:

1: Does a "impact protector" stop screen scratches? or is it one or the other.

2: What is a good bumper to use on the phone( like Rearth Ringke Slim Cases) but do they provide any protection though, (google red bumper looks good though too)

3: Glass protector? hear good things but worried its mostly hype like the rhino protector was, can you justify them over a normal standard screen protector.?

Looking for advice on just a bit of protection for phone, not a nuclear bunker for it though :)
hope this helps others if they brake phone as i found official processes of repair good( shock i know)

Get a phone case with a flap.
I've munched 25% battery in 1 hour of music and browsing. Somethings not right.

Edit: make that 45% battery in just over 90 minutes. Its gotta be the screen.
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