*** Nexus 5 THE Official Thread ***

xcloak has worked for the last 2-3 updates including their other app Ping It as well as SkyGo etc as it sits on the framework between the actual app and fs, they're going to struggle to stop it, one of the major reasons that xposed is so popular on XDA etc

OK I might have have to give it a go.

Also see below I pasted from google boards if you still have an issue with video hiss

Hey everybody. The fix got its own thread over on xda: http://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/general/mod-camcorder-audio-quality-fix-t2837930/

This is the real deal fix for this issue. We can all now enjoy fully functioning Nexus 5s now. Be sure to give chdloc a thanks for coming through for us.

Turns out it absolutely was a problem with recklessly aggressive noise canceling software after all.
On the right side of the phone at the bottom?


It depends on how you hold your phone, but in landscape, my natural tendency is to cup the top left and bottom left (if you were looking in portrait) thus covering the speaker with my hand. It would feel odd holding it from the bottom right. :p
what I like about n5's camera is the consistency.. when ever I take a pic it always seems to come out good, I don't need to continuously re-take pics just to get one done right, with oppo for e.g. pics were a lot more inconsistent where I had to take 3-4 pics of the same thing to get ONE nice picture, same with other phones I've tried.

it might not be the best overall but it's the easiest(I found) to take a good shot with.

some random photos taken with phone, no editing, literally point-and-shot-upload -;

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I find the Nexus 5 to be the most complete phone that isn't completing with the flagship devices and it's extremely fast and fluid. LG/ Google did a great job with this phone.

The camera is great and I don't understand why people knock it. The only thing that lets the device down is the battery but Android L will no doubt solve that problem.

Super phone..

Here's a couple of pics I took over the weekend. Just point and shoot using the HDR mode.


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My first day of using mine after coming from the desire and its been amazing. Such a step up. So glad I took the leap. Got the 32gb version in red. The red is a bit striking though, got a black case which covers it up though! Haha!
Aye, it's a lovely bit of kit alright, but I'm not sure I could put up with the "yellow" and how schizo Cyanogen _can_ be.

The N5 really is brilliant - bar battery life - and it's only really itchy purchase finger and gadget envy that's got me going.
Do you know whether this will be a 'high end' flagship model, or more of a 'middle of the road' device?

Not clear as yet, lots of rumors at present, however Google have said they will continue the Nexus range. lots of rumors that Motorola will make it or HTC.

I am sure we will see it come November with the latest L release
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