I swear that Xposed crashes whilst you try to run it along ART on KitKat? Did they fix this issue for lolipop?
How many modules are you running?
Xposed Alpha its avail on xda for most devices except samsung
3 modules
greenify beta 3+, gravitybox L aplha, Amplify
My gf dropped her phone and cracked the bottom of the screen.
Does anyone know the cheapest place to get it repaired?
Ideally no more than £70.
But GPS problems in the N5 aren't down to the software. The N5 GPS antenna just isn't good.
My GPS is rubbish lately too. It was fine on 4.4.4.
Maybe 5.1 will sort it.
You could do it yourself if you feel confident enough, I haven't had the need to disassemble my N5 yet (touch wood). But I have change the screen's & keyboards on my family members phones and even though it looks difficult and complicated. Its not, just take your time and do don't rush it.
Here's a vid tutorial 'How-To...'
just to mention i've reset the whole phone, wiped everything and put 5.0.1 on it. i've not tested it yet with the maps but gps issue appears to have gone from the gps test apps i've got all showing a good solid fix now. i'll report back in a couple days once i've used the maps to get somewhere.
Still working? I can't get a gps lock on mine anymore. I've even tried the hardware gps fix.
works perfectly now. must have been a software glitch as i expected. battery is massively improved too as a result