Just chiming in on this point to get people to please please PLEASE ask who it is that you're seeing when you go to your GP or a hospital.
The government is pushing these Physician's Assistants (now renamed to "Physician Associates") hard, and plans to increase their numbers by tens of thousands. These are people that didn't have even close to the grades for medical school, are not doctors, can not prescribe or order ionising radiation, and should be supervised by a doctor at all times. Instead as more and more doctors leave the UK, they are being rapidly pushed into being doctor-replacements. They've done a 2 year diploma only after a possibly unrelated first degree (e.g. could be Zoology). Many of them are failed medical school applicants, and will be very very vague about their title and role. They'll be wearing scrubs, with a stethoscope around their neck, and introduce themselves as "one of the team". "one of the medics", "one of the clinicians", etc. It's fraudulent, but they're an unregulated profession so there's no body to even report them to.
The same is true of Anaesthesia Assistants (AAs, now renamed to "Anaesthesia Associates"). Again, a 2 year diploma and some on the job training vs an actual anaesthetist that is a fully qualified and specialist doctor with at minimum, 6 years of medical school, 2+ years of general duties experience as a doctor, and up to 10+ years of specialist training in anaesthesia. Do not put your life in the hands of these chancers.
There's been a huge number of awfully sad cases of people thinking they've seen a doctor at their GP or in the hospital, only for it to have been a PA who has no clue, and those people have suffered large harm or died.
You are absolutely allowed to ask to see a qualified doctor. Don't be afraid to do so.