NHS=Negligent Health Service

They were supposed to get someone else to look at it and phone me within a few days which never happened.
somehow my X-ray got lost and never looked at by someone better qualified.


These are the cases I don't mind seeing on my desk.

are you sure that no one looked at it? or is it the case that someone looked at it, it was fine so you didn't get a call back (despite you being told that you would get a call back)
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are you sure that no one looked at it? or is it the case that someone looked at it, it was fine so you didn't get a call back (despite you being told that you would get a call back)

Got to admit I was a bit quick.
This isn't a go at you Arknor but Tamzzy is 100% correct, patients don't give us the full facts but it all comes out in the end.

At the very least he could put a SARs in for his Cas Card on the day and all the details should be on that plus a Discharge Letter..
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Call them a radiographer to their face, I dare you. When they chase you though just turn on the lights in the room to full, or open a blind. They are frightened by natural or bright lighting

I need to make an apology.
What you are saying is call a Radiologist a Radiographer to their face which is like calling a Mister a Doctor, they soon let you know :)
Yes Radiologists are the ones that report, Radiographers are the ones that take the images.
are you sure that no one looked at it? or is it the case that someone looked at it, it was fine so you didn't get a call back (despite you being told that you would get a call back)
if it wasn't broken then surely it would have healed quicker than about 4 months?
about an hour after it happened my arm was pretty much locked fully in place by the massive swelling around my elbow.

The day after a lot of movement in my arm did come back which was a huge relief but it was super weak and I could barely lift even a cup and it stayed really weak for at least 1-2 weeks.
about 2 months in it was pretty decent but still a bit painful and i couldn't exert much force with it
3 months in and when laying in bed at night turning to the side and putting pressure on my elbow to try and tuck in the duvet was just far too painful.

about 4 months to a full recovery.

I did read even with a sprain that's possible (The long recovery) , but with not being able to even put weight on my elbow with it resting on a soft mattress to me suggests it's the bone still healing not a tendon sprain etc.
it felt like the pain was coming from the bone not being healed enough to handle the strain.

Anyway I was told I would receive a phone call to confirm if it was broken or not.
I would have liked that phone call even if it was a waste of someone's 60 seconds, maybe the radiographer or whomever it was couldn't tell from the xray if it was fractured or not either.
as said my elbow was basically locked in the closed position at the time of the xray and I couldn't straighten my arm like the guy wanted so the x-ray probably wasn't very clear

I guess now it's healed it doesn't matter either way, and as said I was told I wouldn't need surgery anyway.

These pics were from about a week after I damaged it


No idea how both sides of my arm got bruised nothing hit the inside of my arm, I landed fully on the elbow.

I guess that's like huge muscle trauma? as if the impact of the blow shot through my arm like a lightning bolt.

Never really like like my muscle was torn or I'd got the burns from a huge workout., just weak and actual pain that seemed like it was from the corner of my elbow. so I'm going to assume it was broken.
I don't think I've ever had a bad sprain to compare the feeling, but I've had Sciatica which I guess would feel fairly similar to a sprain.

Hopefully this post doesn't come across like seeking medical advice as I'm not., it's fully healed and fine now.
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In reply to some earlier posts:

There are some, albeit small/minor, fractures that aren't obvious/visible on the initial xrays post-injury.

It's sometimes only in subsequent imaging days/weeks after injury that a fracture can be confirmed due to the sudden increase of bone density in the injury area due to osteo cells (I think they're called osteocytes and osteoblasts if I remember correctly from that module at uni) flooding to the damaged area to attempt repair.
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Anyway I was told I would receive a phone call to confirm if it was broken or not.
I would have liked that phone call even if it was a waste of someone's 60 seconds, maybe the radiographer or whomever it was couldn't tell from the xray if it was fractured or not either.

I feel your frustration but on no less than 3 occasions I've gone through similar only to be told "Well if we didn't ring why didn't you get in touch?" and I bloody work there.
We shouldn't have to but sometimes we have to help ourselves.
My worst one I should have had a full knee replacement in 2014 but it went another 5 years so I blamed them for not getting in touch :)

In reply to some earlier posts:

There are some, albeit small/minor, fractures that aren't obvious/visible on the initial xrays post-injury.

It's sometimes only in subsequent imaging days/weeks after injury that a fracture can be confirmed due to the sudden increase of bone density in the injury area due to osteo cells (I think they're called osteocytes and osteoblasts if I remember correctly from that module at uni) flooding to the damaged area to attempt repair.

That's why at our fracture clinic they have you back in the following day when swelling etc might have gone down.
I've gone through that 4 times personally.

You won't believe how many claims I've had where patients are told to come back the following day and they don't but tell their Solicitor they did.
You wouldn't believe how much CCTV I've watched and how many patients claim they have walked straight in, told nothings wrong and there's no paperwork :)
feel your frustration but on no less than 3 occasions I've gone through similar only to be told "Well if we didn't ring why didn't you get in touch?" and I bloody work there.
We shouldn't have to but sometimes we have to help ourselves.
My worst one I should have had a full knee replacement in 2014 but it went another 5 years so I blamed them for not getting in touch :)
Can you imagine that attitude in a country like Switzerland or wherever that has mandatory health insurance??

Itr is their fault.... don't say you will do something if your not going to do it.
we just can;t blame them because they are under the protection of the NHS, in any other health care service in the modern world you wouldn't be doing the chasing.

also if youve been to A&E it's not like they give you any contact details, what are you supposed to do ? go back to A&E and tell them you never had a phone call? they will probably laugh at you

Time to privatise, the NHS seems full od the ideology that they are doing us a favour, and it's an entirely free service we aren't already paying for, so no one has the right to make any complaints.
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Yes, it's crap isn't it?
This is why my colleagues in PALS and Complaints never stop.
you could argue they are doing it to be efficient.
not broken, no need to tell them

then you have this person wondering why their arm or whatever is taking so long to heal, how many times will they either go back to A&E or their GP with the same issue?
No one actually gave this person the all clear or freed their mind of any worry right.

maybe if that person would have been told "It's not broken, just needs time try to take it easy etc" the NHS would have actually of saved a G surgery etc from

that 30-60 seconds phone call likely costs the NHS a hell of a lot of time, just not at that hospital
Even though parts of the NSH are broken, we are still very lucky to have the NHS in this country - this current Gov want people to get fed up with it to allow privatisation, that's part of the plan. If it goes, a lot of people will miss it. Not everyone has employers to purchase private health cover. Look at the America system, it's broken!
Even though parts of the NSH are broken, we are still very lucky to have the NHS in this country - this current Gov want people to get fed up with it to allow privatisation, that's part of the plan. If it goes, a lot of people will miss it. Not everyone has employers to purchase private health cover. Look at the America system, it's broken!
I’ve had treatment in the US , have you?

The US system is faster, cleaner and better.
I’ve had treatment in the US , have you?

The US system is faster, cleaner and better.
IF you have the money...

And the people making decisions to decline your healthcare are apparently increasingly doctors who can't get work actually treating patients due to their previous mistakes (IIRC all decisions to decline treatment have to be signed off by a doctor, so the companies hire the most incompetent doctors who don't have any other option).

IIRC the NHS costs less per person than the US system costs in billing disputes per person, I think there was a study a few years back that basically said the US could have a proper national system of healthcare for a fraction of what they currently spend on a system that barely functions for half the population and is the biggest cause of bankruptcy in the country (stuff that in the UK costs £100 can be £10k in the US).

I'm not sure you'd enjoy paying 5-10k a year for insurance, with a few thousand in "co pays" and still find you get denied treatment because some doctor who has never seen you is second guessing the doctors that have.

That's the American system.
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