I am actually hesitant on getting a X-T2, a few things keep holding me back….after having it for about 5 months now, it is good for "snaps" but honestly, for me, it doesn't pass the grade for professional work, at least and I reiterate, for me, my standard. I set the bar a bit higher, a level that I don't think the X-T1 can hit, some of these are quirks like the 2 hand operation, to colour palette is odd, or i just can't get used to it. It's not so much it is too blue or too yellow. It swings between a green to magenta tone which I just can't get my head around. I got the X-T1 as a sign of what the Fuji system can do, try it for myself instead of reading blogs (which they ALL sing praises, being owners themselves), I realise I'll keep it to take pictures of my food or my car and irrelevant things like that but I will stick with my Canon for work.
I have decided to take my Canon to Japan, man up and take the weight. It'll be fine. The trip will set me back £5,000 so I am loath to spend anymore money before it! May be when the A7R3 drops I will get an even cheaper A7R2 or something.