*** Nintendo Switch ***

Ive got one on preorder which i'm still undecided about whether i'll keep or not but i've got a few mates who missed the boat in pre-ordering and have now had their interests peaked by it. What are the chances of them getting one on release day? Are they still available to pre-order for release day delivery on Amazon/Game/Argos etc or will they be just as well going into a shop and buying?

I'd probably be more inclined to keep it if several of my friends picked one up too! Zelda is the only thing keeping me clinging on but not sure I can justify £330ish for it when i've got a wedding and a few holidays to pay for!

The ore-orders have been limited so far. It appears Nintendo are restricting supply, so we don't know. we've seen this before with several consoles from various companies.
I am guessing the Switch allows offline play?? Kinda important information that I can't find the answer to as some sort of sign in needed would obviously kill playing while ya travel :p
I am guessing the Switch allows offline play?? Kinda important information that I can't find the answer to as some sort of sign in needed would obviously kill playing while ya travel :p
Haha yeah you're able to play offline. It also has an Airplane mode too.
What are the chances of them getting one on release day? Are they still available to pre-order for release day delivery on Amazon/Game/Argos etc or will they be just as well going into a shop and buying?

Still available to preorder for release if you look hard enough, they're mostly the Neon Red/Blue ones though. I preordered mine yesterday.
Know what your mean. I think it's primarily because of the lack of games available at launch personally!

Yea agree, they must know what people want. They could create a killer launch line up if they wanted to surely :( either way the wii u had some great games by the end and this will too after a year or so, it's certainly something I will buy just not yet
Neon all the way!! Plus Bomberman and Zelda. That will keep me going for a while. I'm not one for needed many games as I like to see them through properly like when I was a kid and only had one game at a time.
Strangely enough I really like the Neon too.

Zelda will be my first game but I really want Mario Kart, Bomberman, Splatoon and Street Fighter.
Grey is boring. Get some colour in your life ! :D

And how do you mean that is example of how the thread has changed ? :p

Just a few weeks ago it was a constant bitch fight between haters and people arguing over specs etc.

Now you've got people (in general) very hyped for the thing and squabbling over which colour combo is better :D
I'm going for the grey console, but buying the neon joycon's separately. As a Liverpool fan with an Evertonian mate, I'd want the player 1 controller to be red and player 2 to be blue :)
I didn't feel any hype a month ago. And literally only ordered so the nippers could play mario kart. But the more I read and watch the more hyped I get.

:D can't wait !!

Neon>all :p
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