The idea of a soft launch is that you DON'T waste money marketing it, you just open, you get a TINY amount of customers and you do it just to check things are working, to let you get into the swing of waking up to open a store every morning, to get the timing of deliveries spot on, to get staff interviewed, employed and trained and then you do the big marketing launch.
It basically only works in stores, I don't know why they are trying to make excuses. They are describing the launch of every console. A big stock sold at launch to pre-orders, March or November, makes no difference, 9 months or 13 months later you're then looking at the second big sales time, 2nd xmas for say PS4 or 1st Xmas for Switch, there are more games, it's been out longer, the price might come down... that is how every games console launch has ever gone that I can remember. It's not some magical or clever marketing strategy, that is the bog standard strategy. As was the 3DS, which was, not enough games at launch, too expensive, 6 months later price drops and more software is available.
You can't soft launch hardware in a worldwide market while spending a **** load of money on marketing, because that is just a normal launch and in no way a soft launch.