*** Nintendo Switch ***

Alright, you forfeit the right to complain when it's rubbish at both. :D

Game on! :D

It will be my home console. Will hardly leave the dock! Nintendo wouldn't release it being rubbish at both!

Might actually bookmark your post just in case :D
They won't stop with the 3DS yet, the user base is just far too big. I don't see why they would, they rake it in from 3DS/Software sales.

For comparison GTA V sold 60M copies, over all platforms. 360/One, Ps3/PS4 and PC.

Pokemon X/Y sold 15.5M on one console. That's pretty damn impressive. PS4s highest selling exclusive was 2.7M.

I just can't see them dropping the 3DS anytime soon, or potentially yet another version.
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They won't stop with the 3DS yet, the user base is just far too big. I don't see why they would, they rake it in from 3DS/Software sales.

For comparison GTA V sold 60M copies, over all platforms. 360/One, Ps3/PS4 and PC.

Pokemon X/Y sold 15.5M on one console. That's pretty damn impressive. PS4s highest selling exclusive was 2.7M.

I just can't see them dropping the 3DS anytime soon, or potentially yet another version.

They dropped DS support when the 3DS came out. This isn't a replacement for only the home console, it 's a consolidated replacement for both ecosystems.
They won't stop with the 3DS yet, the user base is just far too big. I don't see why they would, they rake it in from 3DS/Software sales.

For comparison GTA V sold 60M copies, over all platforms. 360/One, Ps3/PS4 and PC.

Pokemon X/Y sold 15.5M on one console. That's pretty damn impressive. PS4s highest selling exclusive was 2.7M.

I just can't see them dropping the 3DS anytime soon, or potentially yet another version.

Soon as the Switch is launched the 3DS will be dead within 12 months.

Apart from Pokemon and Mario Maker, there isnt anything major on the 3DS lined up. Funny enough, the 3DS console release list stops at February. A month before the Switch release and 6 years to that month the 3DS was released.
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I think they will have no problem in dropping the 3DS if and only if the Switch is a success. Maybe after a couple of years of the Switch selling well will they drop the 3DS or the idea of an independent handheld.

As Begbie said the 3DS is the best thing Ninty have at the moment.
Game on! :D

It will be my home console. Will hardly leave the dock! Nintendo wouldn't release it being rubbish at both!

Might actually bookmark your post just in case :D

Do it! :D

I'd love big N to prove me wrong, but I see myself as a core gamer, who enjoys games with depth like Zelda. I got soo bored of Luigi's Mansion on the 3DS as it just turns into a slog and more of the same exploring random bits/rooms.

I really want to see a darker, more mature Zelda game, but Switch doesn't seem to be aimed at that end of the market if their promotional video is the Zelda meant for the Wii U, and more Wii U-like games.

Still keeping an eye out for leaks/info though. :D
For the first time since owning a GameCube I'm genuinely excited by a new console. Ok I'll be 40 by the time it's out but never too old right!?
The biggest issue I can see with the 3DS dying and being replaced with the switch is the inevitable £300+ price tag. The 3DS is at most £180 for the top spec?

It doesn't bother me either way, but I'm not sure how further pokemon releases will work. Which is of course Nintendos big seller. They would have to re-imagine the whole way it's done.
Rumors circulating about final spec of the switch...


I still have a feeling this thing will be a little powerhouse

As for the game pre order, its a £50 refundable deposit to get your name at the top of the queue, once official pricing is received game will phone and ask you to either pay up the remaining cost if you want one or take a refund on your deposit if not. I'll be ordering through amazon I think.
The biggest issue I can see with the 3DS dying and being replaced with the switch is the inevitable £300+ price tag. The 3DS is at most £180 for the top spec?

It doesn't bother me either way, but I'm not sure how further pokemon releases will work. Which is of course Nintendos big seller. They would have to re-imagine the whole way it's done.

Wont stop people if they are willing to spend £400+ on a mobile phone or tablet so they can play PK Go. Add Zelda and Mario into the mix and Nintendo are ready to shift units.
I'm in two minds to pre-order or not, I live in Cyprus and things are always a little behind the times + more expensive. But mail takes at least 3-4 days from the UK, or if I'm unlucky 3+ weeks via boat.

This shouldn't be stressing me out as much as it is :p
I'm in two minds to pre-order or not, I live in Cyprus and things are always a little behind the times + more expensive. But mail takes at least 3-4 days from the UK, or if I'm unlucky 3+ weeks via boat.

This shouldn't be stressing me out as much as it is :p

I live in Portugal. Orders from the UK typically take from 3 to 7/8 days. Although I think the European release date should mean I can pre-order here in PT or walk in the store in the same day as the UK release. Hopefully!

I am keeping my eyes pealed for places to pre-order from here.
Musing "on the way home" thoughts.

Was just talking with a friend of mine who's a ridiculously huge Nintendo fan and we were discussing if the switch is going to be successful or at least could be.

We spoke about the standard Nintendo releases that will come out. Zelda, Mario, Kart, Smash Bros etc and he mentioned he'd really like to see a new series to be started on this one.

I think the Switch is the first console since the GameCube which can do this. Both the Wii and the Wii-U were unique in their different approach to controlling systems and interactions with the players. Which love it or hate it...was a bold move and certain gave for some very different and popular gaming experiences. But the problem is they were limited to that specific console.

It was difficult to develop a new series for them to continue on in further consoles as a lot of games took specific advantage to the way those consoles worked with the controllers and motion sensing.

The switch however, is a console with a normal controller and way of playing games. Only thing making it different is the fact you can take it to work! You could start a new series on this one which could be continued further onto next Nintendo console and be the next Mario etc because of this.

Anyway, rambling over :p
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Not heard of Splatoon then?

The Switch has the same or improved touch screen and motion controls that existed in the WiiU's game pad so anything relying on those can be ported of a sequel developed.

A control interface doesn't necessarily dictate what games can be made anyway. Pikmin went from regular controls, to waggle controls, and back again without issue. Likewise with Super Monkey Ball (not a Nintendo IP but the point still stands).
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