*** Nintendo Switch ***

Luigi's Mansion 3 was a nice surprise, it'll be great.

Animal Crossing is not something I'm into but I know there's been high demand for a new one.

2019 should be a cracking year. Fingers crossed all these games don’t slip into 2020.
Animal crossing
Luigis mansion 3
Metroid 4
Bayonetta 3

As neither Metroid or Bayonetta 3 have been given any date/year I can see one ending up for 2020, Metroid most likely.
I remember really wanting to see more MP4 info at E3 and being annoyed. But now I'm of the mindset...we know it's coming. It'll be ready when it's ready. Hardly lacking in content until then!
Well there's quite a bit to digest there! SMBU and Luigi's mansion definitely in for me. Diablo 3 and Dark Souls already on pre-order. Need to see more of Daemon X. I've never played Animal Crossing so no idea if it's for me. Show us some Metroid ffs!
Just watched the Direct - wow!

Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3, Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, Yoshi's Crafted World are instant buys for me!

Also going to get that Capcom bundle - gots to have me some Final Fight.

And Final Fantasy VII!!!!

Still no info on whether you'll be able to buy the NES games individually as opposed to only playing them once you're subbed up for online.

But on the whole, well done Nintendo, well done indeed.
I can't tell if Yoshis world is more aimed at kids like Kirby? Or is it supposed to be a challenging platformer for adults? Anyone have any ideas?

If its the latter...then dammit :o
Nothing much there what interest me which I didnt know about already.

No Final Fantasy 8 on Switch but they announced 7, 9, 10, 10-2 and 12?!?!?! (Not including FF15 Pocket Edition and spin offs)
I can't tell if Yoshis world is more aimed at kids like Kirby? Or is it supposed to be a challenging platformer for adults? Anyone have any ideas?

If its the latter...then dammit :o

Yoshi is more aimed at everyone. Going by my experience with Yoshi's Woolly World it's challenge it's closer to the 2D Mario games, a tad easier. Yoshi focuses as much on exploration as it does platforming though. Woolly World wasn't too challenging to complete, but more challenging extra levels could be unlocked along the way.
Sounds good :)

Think I will purposely hold off buying anything this until November. Will then pickup Diablo 3 and Smash Bros in Nov & Dec then see how I go from there. Need to think out all these purchases :o
Hopefully with these new games coming out we will start seeing drops on some of the older titles I haven't played yet like DK. The 3rd party titles a dropping but no sign on 1st party titles dropping yet.
My current Switch hype game is Spintires Mudrunner which is meant to be out in November. Love that game on PC, the ability to play portable is something I need in my life.

Can't believe the price Nintendo want for those NES controllers. Iconic, does not mean ergonomic...
Hopefully with these new games coming out we will start seeing drops on some of the older titles I haven't played yet like DK. The 3rd party titles a dropping but no sign on 1st party titles dropping yet.

Always been the case with all 1st party Nintendo games, hold their value for years. Unless they make a Nintendo Selects for the Switch.
Good to see Nintendo continuing their complete **** ** of their online service. If you stop paying for the online service at any point your cloud data is deleted. Not just unavailable until you resubscribe, they will delete it. Lose your console or it breaks and you don't get a new one for a while? Better make sure you keep paying for that online subscription or your save data will just be gone. The mind boggles with Nintendo sometimes. There are so many little things they could do to generate some positive feeling towards themselves and they just refuse. The amount of storage these cloud saves will take up is minuscule. It would cost Nintendo pennies every year for the storage space.

The best part of this is that when Nintendo look at the number of people paying their £18/year they will be able to pat themselves on the back and say "look guys, we have made an amazing service, look at all the people using it".

Would any of you pay for this if it wasn't for the cloud saves?
Would any of you pay for this if it wasn't for the cloud saves?

Yep...because I want to play online, and that is the cost of doing so.

Although I agree, deleting the cloud saves if you cancel the subscription or don't renew is terrible. I wonder if putting the save in the cloud is optional? Hmm I doubt it though.
That does sound silly if true, seems odd there isnt some kind of grace period. I think on PS4 it's 6 months.

As above, I play a fair bit online (330 hours in Splatoon) so that's the primary reason I'll subscribe.

I don't think I've ever made use of cloud saves on any platform before, once I'm done playing a game I really don't care what happens to my save file. I generally play 1 single player game at a time til I'm done with it.

Ironically, Splatoon2 is probably the only save I really wouldn't want to lose so abit disappointed it can't be secured, that's a general issue with how Nintendo handle save data for online multiplayer games though and not really an issue with the cloud save system itself.
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