*** Nintendo Switch ***

Apparently clound saving isn't going to be available on all games because Nintendo are concerned about cheating. Or rather, they failed to design the system and its games in such away that would prevent cheating.


I do wonder about Nintendo at times. They're launching this feature 6/7 years after the competition, and they still can't get it right.
Apparently clound saving isn't going to be available on all games because Nintendo are concerned about cheating. Or rather, they failed to design the system and its games in such away that would prevent cheating.


I do wonder about Nintendo at times. They're launching this feature 6/7 years after the competition, and they still can't get it right.

But they make absolute belters of games, consistently, year in and year out.

They put their money where it matters. So all is forgiven :)
But they make absolute belters of games, consistently, year in and year out.

They put their money where it matters. So all is forgiven :)

This is why Nintendo don't bother. People always give them an easy ride and make excuses for them. Implementing basic online features shouldn't be something that we have to ask for or wait for. Every other console has given its users decent online systems. Nintendo have delivered a better online system for past consoles. Its nothing to do with money or resources, they just don't care or want to do it. I mean seriously, the console will have been out for a year and a half without a sensible way to backup saves. A portable console that doesn't have the ability to protect your saves. How anyone can say this is acceptable in 2018 is beyond me.
I mean seriously, the console will have been out for a year and a half without a sensible way to backup saves. A portable console that doesn't have the ability to protect your saves. How anyone can say this is acceptable in 2018 is beyond me.

You're absolutely, right, of course. But I for one am not going to be an example and not play their games because of it. Are you?
I'm not bothered as I really don't care if I lose a save. Maybe if I played Splatoon or something competitively it might bother me.

Anyway the statement reads that the vast majority of games will support it but some (like Splatoon 2) won't. If it's about preventing using exploits and resetting old stats so that you could regain lost ranks then I guess they'll need to figure out a way of handling that, or not. It's not a big deal for me, personally.

Have a search on Steam cloud saving for Dark Souls. I had no idea.
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You're absolutely, right, of course. But I for one am not going to be an example and not play their games because of it. Are you?

No but if the vast majority of public opinion demands these things then perhaps Nintendo might take notice. At the moment for every person that tells Nintendo to pull their finger out and sort these issues there is another person saying "its OK I don't mind" or defending their archaic systems.

I'm not bothered as I really don't care if I lose a save. Maybe if I played Splatoon or something competitively it might bother me.

Anyway the statement reads that the vast majority of games will support it but some (like Splatoon 2) won't. If it's about preventing using exploits and resetting old stats so that you could regain lost ranks then I guess they'll need to figure out a way of handling that, or not. It's not a big deal for me, personally.

Have a search on Steam cloud saving for Dark Souls. I had no idea.

Its really not a complex problem to solve. Your Nintendo account should link up to a game like Splatoon so that your "state" is associated with your nintendo ID and all relevant game data is stored on splatoons servers. That should be the absolute source of truth. If you drop a few ranks and reload an old save that won't affect your data on the splatoon servers.

I can't think of many games on my switch that I wouldn't care if the save data was lost. Zelda, Mario, Hollow Knight, Mario Kart I would be super annoyed. In fact, there are very few games that don't rely massively on save state to work as a game. Imagine going back to square one in your favourite games.
I can't think of many games on my switch that I wouldn't care if the save data was lost. Zelda, Mario, Hollow Knight, Mario Kart I would be super annoyed. In fact, there are very few games that don't rely massively on save state to work as a game. Imagine going back to square one in your favourite games.

Oh I agree it's not ideal. Just saying that if I lost a save I could shrug it off quite easily. If I wanted to play Zelda or Mario again I'd play from the beginning anyway.
Depends how recently I had completed the game tbh :p

I do find the inability to backup the Switch up to this point annoying, but cloud saves are coming in just a couple of weeks, hoorah for that. I am more interested in how they develop online play and room making etc
No but if the vast majority of public opinion demands these things then perhaps Nintendo might take notice. At the moment for every person that tells Nintendo to pull their finger out and sort these issues there is another person saying "its OK I don't mind" or defending their archaic systems.

I just think there are bigger things to worry about.

It's not ideal, I appreciate. Not that you've said I am, but I'm not defending Nintendo's actions (or lack thereof), but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it. I almost expect it at this point. It's like buying a French car, you know it's cheap, but it's going to break at some point! :)
Pokemon Lets Go Nintendo Switch limited edition console announced if it hasn't been shared.

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition is confirmed for a January 2019 release.
I just think there are bigger things to worry about.

It's not ideal, I appreciate. Not that you've said I am, but I'm not defending Nintendo's actions (or lack thereof), but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it. I almost expect it at this point. It's like buying a French car, you know it's cheap, but it's going to break at some point! :)

I know what you mean but I feel like this assumption that Nintendo are some small company with super limited resources is complete rubbish. They are a massive company with huge amounts of money. I would love to know what people think Nintendo have/are putting all their effort into. Their first party release schedule has been pretty lacklustre, they have done very little to the OS since launch, online and everything associated with is comically bad compared to PS or MS of even 10 years ago.

I just get frustrated that they have built this amazing console and then they seem to pretty much be saying "give us loads of your money and we will do absolutely nothing in return". Their console has succeeded because of its core features and then almost all of the rest of the success is due to 3rd party publishers, indie games and ports. In a few areas they have taken big steps back from their previous consoles which really annoys me as well. Its like they are thinking "how can we bleed as much money from our customers for the least amount of effort".
I picked up Rayman Legends from amazon for £18 a few days back. Really enjoying it, if you haven’t played it I would recommend it, bargain for the money IMO.
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