*** Nintendo Switch ***

Anyone played south park stick of truth ? Is it worth £30 if I've never played it ?

Anyone got any idea when the next sale is wonder if that will be in it
It's a good laugh if you are a fan of the series. Lots of throw backs to episodes etc.

I do think £30 is a bit steep these days considering it was originally out on the ps3/360 but it's probably still worth it for a first time player. £20 would be a good point for it imo
I've been playing Debris Infinity after reading people's opinions of it on Era. Less than £5. It's basically Geometry Wars. Runs really well. It's great for a quick 3-5 minute burst. Online leaderboards which update as you play. I'm lucky if I can survive for 3 minutes but I am improving all the time. Good fun!
Stick of Truth is well worth playing. But as has already been pointed out, it's an Xbox 360 game that was given away for free with the new game; a pre-order bonus that continued well after launch. Is it worth £30? Only if you don't have any other platforms you could buy it on.

Fractured is about £15-£20 on Xbox One/PS4, including SoT. That should give you an idea of how much you're being fleeced with the Switch versions of both games...
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Are you kidding??? It's been anything but a bad year.

ive found it quite bad, taking away third party ports i can get for a significantly lower price.

last year i had xc2, botw, odyssey, mk8, the latter 3 of my favorite gaming experiences of the year. i haven't had that this year. :(
The sheer amount of games that were either released or announced was far bigger than last year.

Yes not as many first party titles but I've definitely bought more games this year .
It's been a great year for me. Other than Monster Hunter PS4 all my other purchases have been on the Switch. I own all three consoles.

Although thinking about it, that's only 3 physical Switch games. Everything else has been digital. For me the digital indie stuff has been incredible.
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Although thinking about it, that's only 3 physical Switch games. Everything else has been digital. For me the digital indie stuff has been incredible.

I think that's where the split is. If you only play "AAA" or expensive to make games then yeah I can see it as a quieter year, but if you're normal and don't care about the production costs then it's been a great year for releases.
Finally docked my Switch for the first time in almost a year to let my kids play Mario Kart. It was the first video game either had played so didn't hold out much hope. Whacked it on easy, 50cc, turned off items and they absolutely loved it! They're only 3 & 5 but they kept playing for almost 3 hours and only stopped when the roast dinner was ready. They can't wait to play again, not sure if that's a good thing or not! :D
Say goodbye to your Switch Bommy.
I've just bought myself Dragonball Fighter Z yesterday. General impressions the gameplay is smooth as silk offline, its a challenge to play in handheld mode, definitely have to play docked or on a stand with joycon attached to the controller thing.
The joycon analogue stick isn't great for executing combos, at least for me it isn't, I prefer to use the d-pad but to me it feels like there is a slight input lag but it could just be me not used to the blazblue/guilty gear style gameplay mechanics.
I have only played Mortal kombat,Street fighter and DoA franchise and never really tried other fighting games.
DBFZ is more like a Marvel (e.g. MvC series) game than the more traditional fighting games you have experience with, and there is a huge window to enter your commands compared to traditional fighters which can make the inputs seem laggy.
DBFZ is more like a Marvel (e.g. MvC series) game than the more traditional fighting games you have experience with, and there is a huge window to enter your commands compared to traditional fighters which can make the inputs seem laggy.
I've never really got into the combo aspect when playing SF and MvC series back in the days as I would play quite casually, I only got into comboing and playing "properly" after MK/Injustice series.
Will give it a proper go and learn properly when I can though..if I do get good at it, may have to consider getting a Nintendo membership to play online lol.
It's going to be a good week :)

Mega Man 11 tomorrow and Mario Party on Friday, should keep me busy up until Christmas. Also read they are porting Roller Coaster Tycoon across as well.
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