*** Nintendo Switch ***

Do people really feel the need for a higher res screen?

Honestly I think the screen as it is is perfect. Plus a higher res screen means more powe required to push th pixels, and ultimately struggles to improve battery time as well.

Feel the need? Not really.

Think it's likely? Yes.

Would I buy one? Probably.
I wouldn't upgrade for an improved screen alone as I dont use the Switch a whole lot portable (and the screen is already quite nice).

If theres was anything that improved the docked experience in any way though I'd likely upgrade day 1.
Why would it annoy you, it’s more than 6 months away.

This rumour has been toted 3 or 4 times already, eventually it will be right.

It’s also no different to the model employed with the DS, DS XL, 3DS, 2DS, 3DSXL and the multiple themes versions within each of those consoles. Some even had different spec screens within the same batch.
I’d most likely update for a new screen, albeit nothing wrong with the one right now but I play my switch 99% portable, it never gets docked.
Screen is plenty good enough in my opinion. If Nintendo are looking for somewhere to spend money there are a lot of things I would do before making new hardware.
Screen is plenty good enough in my opinion. If Nintendo are looking for somewhere to spend money there are a lot of things I would do before making new hardware.

Ah but this is Nintendo, they love charging £40 for games that are £5 on everything else, keep milking that money cow. As much as I love Nintendo the new Switch will have to be something much better to warrant the upgrade for me. Knowing them it'll probably be a cheap upgrade on their part and a expensive one on ours :(
Ah but this is Nintendo, they love charging £40 for games that are £5 on everything else, keep milking that money cow. As much as I love Nintendo the new Switch will have to be something much better to warrant the upgrade for me. Knowing them it'll probably be a cheap upgrade on their part and a expensive one on ours :(

Nintendo don't set the prices.
Nintendo don't set the prices.

I'm sure they have an influence. It can't be that much more demanding porting a game from to one platform from the rest.

Look at most of Nintendos own titles for the Switch, vast majority of them are ported from the Wii U etc and are essentially the same old game with high res textures. Yet they still warrant a huge amount for them.

I love my Switch but given the hardware and it's competitors, it's damn expensive, but then Nintendo stuff always has been....
It can't be that much more demanding porting a game from to one platform from the rest.

Nintendo never drop the prices of first party games, that's true, but they do not have a say in third party prices.

I assume third parties can get away with higher prices on the Switch so they charge more. Maybe Nintendo fans are used to paying full price for first party games so they pay the same for third party ones too.

Are the Wii U ports on the Switch even that different? Having played a few Wii U games lately that are on the Switch, I just don't see a huge difference.

Nope, normally just a resolution bump and no changes to textures, lighting, effects etc. Some of them run better (Bayonetta) and some have one or two extra levels or characters (Toad's Treasure Tracker) but generally they are a massive rip-off.

The Donkey Kong Switch port with nothing added except for a child difficulty mode was more expensive than the launch price on the Wii U!
Nintendo knows Nintendo fans will pay the premium price for 1st party games as they know a lot of times they are fantastic games and the trade in factor is very small in comparison to their competitors.
People tend to keep their physical copies of Nintendo games a lot more than other platforms, very rare I would trade any of my 3ds games unless they sucked hard or I honestly didn't enjoy it.
I've traded in Tales of Abyss years ago as I didn't enjoy it but now recently re-bought it again hoping to give it another go after hearing the comments of the character development gets better.
I traded in Breath of the wild after finishing it as I didn't really enjoy it as much as everybody else, great game but wasn't for me entirely.
I'm not fan of Fallout and Elder scrolls franchise so I will never purchase them despite being great games either.
I feel most of the Wii U games ported over are about as relevant today as when they were originally released, and given the demand is higher on Switch I'm not surprised at all at the prices. It's not a hard sell for those who never owned a Wii U (going by the sales, quite an easy sell in fact).
Is anyone enjoying the NES games with the online. I keep trying them but they are just ****. I never owned a NES so perhaps thats the problem but they have aged awfully. Controls are poor, graphics are awful and level design is so so basic.
You never owned a NES so that's the issue. The games by today's standards are horrendous and have aged badly. You need nostalgia to play these. I tried Mario 3 and got bored very quickly. Whereas some friends of mine who had a NES and SNES are loving them. But they're also the people with Nes minis as well.
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