*** Nintendo Switch ***

Thanks, mind if I ask for the link to the one you bought in case calibration don't help? It's not all the time, it just wanders off sometimes, like it's being pushed down.

It's in warranty until February though...

This is going to sound crazy but worked for me and many others - get a toothbrush and clean under the circle of the stick , go all the way around underneath. Electric toothbrush works best. It's dust under the stick that causes it to drift amazingly. You can also remove the caps (they can be hard to get back on though) and clean them that way (many vids on youtube) but I would try the toothbrush first.
Also compressed air works. I had it on the left joy-con and fixed the issue but it did keep coming back after a while. I bought the red mario ones in the end. I'm going to try and replace the sticks as above but I haven't gotten round to it yet.
What are we all playing currently then? I'll be honest, I joined others on here for an online sub. Loaded up the NES game app once, played a bit of Mario and haven't touched the switch since :O
I've played some of the NES stuff but there's nothing really worth it there for me. Still playing Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart most evenings. In handheld I've been playing Shovel Knight and A Night in The Woods. Have Dark Souls pre-loaded for Friday :)
I haven't my switch in weeks as I've been focusing my time on other hobbies and making the most of the weather. But I'll get back to it eventually :)

And when I do. Finish off Octopath Traveler is my main priority. I was going to buy Diablo 3 but now I can get that through GeForce Now I won't bother. So my next purchase will be Smash Bros :)

Haven't bothered with the NES app either. Like you, loaded it once. Tried a game, wasn't interested, closed it.
Playing crash, Rayman and worms wmd at the moment.

I’m in 2 minds on Diablo, I own it on PC and I paid far less for it on release three than they are asking for the switch version (can’t think I spent £30 on it back then). I’m definitely getting Pokemon though.
Nearly finished the main story in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Keep getting wiped out so have done some grinding and hopefully have another go tomorrow.
Anyone here play paladins for while without spending any money? Im only level 4 not played much just wondering if the game becomes grind without spending money. Is their any pay to win stuff i should know about?
Anyone here play paladins for while without spending any money? Im only level 4 not played much just wondering if the game becomes grind without spending money. Is their any pay to win stuff i should know about?

The only things you can buy are characters and cosmetics.
Couple of things popped up today on sale. The End is Nigh (SMB guy), Cave Story, VVVVVV and some others. Bit on The End is Nigh at 66% off just over £4 worth a punt :)
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