*** Nintendo Switch ***

Took the plunge and bought Overcooked:Special Edition since it was on offer on the store. What a fantastic little game...! It resulted in all of us shouting at each other pretty much 1 minute into it, which resulted in loads of laughs at the end of rounds!
Took the plunge and bought Overcooked:Special Edition since it was on offer on the store. What a fantastic little game...! It resulted in all of us shouting at each other pretty much 1 minute into it, which resulted in loads of laughs at the end of rounds!

Its a great little game isn't it. The missus is a little addicted. She gets bored and frustrated with almost all games on the Switch but she loves this. Does lead to some funny arguments as well
Is it good for 2 player?

It's far too easy to triple star everything with 2 people as the traps/mechanisms are designed for multitasking with 4 players and they had to adapt the scoring for 2 players which doesn't really work. The game is truly designed around 4 players and it's nowhere near as good, just ok, with just 2.

Buy it and get some friends over as it's one of the very best gaming experiences out there.
It's far too easy to triple star everything with 2 people as the traps/mechanisms are designed for multitasking with 4 players. The game is truly designed around 4 players and it's nowhere near as good, just ok, with just 2.

Buy it and get some friends over as it's one of the very best gaming experiences out there.
There in lies the issue :p

We have friends we regularly meet with but we end up sitting around a table and chatting rather than gaming. We watched a movie once though :p
There in lies the issue :p

We have friends we regularly meet with but we end up sitting around a table and chatting rather than gaming. We watched a movie once though :p

I don't give my non-gaming friends a choice, I call it forced fun (just like those team away days at work that no one wants to do :p). The game only uses two buttons so everyone can play it and everyone so far has had a riot.

Maybe start them off with keep taking and nobody explodes as that's only half way a video game, utilising good old paper for the majority of players.
I think its great fun with 2 players myself. The obstacles are tricky enough with 2 players as well if you want to get 3 stars. I'm sure if you are really good at it then its not easy but we make enough mistakes that 3 stars is at least some effort
I think the snes era of games would fit the Switch better. Metroid, Castlevania, Probotector, Donkey Kong Country and a ton of great RPG's as well. All would be amazing to have again on a handheld with a decent screen. I loved the N64 era too but I don't think all of those great games would work as well as the 2D snes games.

I may break my 'not buying any more games until I've finished my backlog' for Guacamelee!
Haha overcooked is hilarious with people , especially when you forget about something you put on the stove sets on fire and your frantically running round to grab the extinguisher , all the while still trying to get meals out , epic fun !
I think its great fun with 2 players myself. The obstacles are tricky enough with 2 players as well if you want to get 3 stars. I'm sure if you are really good at it then its not easy but we make enough mistakes that 3 stars is at least some effort

Have you played it 4 players? I've triple starred it with my wife in 2 player mode and with friends + wife in 4 player mode. In 2 player mode it's a bit of a joke as they give you such a low score target that you lose all of the pressure and therefore excitement that 4 player mode gives you.

They didn't have much choice though because it's a party game balanced for 4 players. The whole point is to get in each others way and to have all 4 people occupied and constantly changing roles but there's just no way it could work in 2 player mode without losing a significant part of what makes the game brilliant.

Missing a triple star by one point because the roles changed and 3 players tried to get through the same choke point at once to block the final delivery by 2cm had everyone in the room screaming at each other. The closest we got in 2 players was getting frustrated because the rooms rotated and we got blocked out of an entire section for 30 seconds. We still triple starred that level.

Can you play 2v2? That might be an interesting one as well! Either split into couples or men vs. women!

There's a dedicated 2v2 mode which is a lot of fun! I think they should have had the kitchens from the 2v2 mode for when people play as only 2 players as it works a lot better than the 4 player kitchens.
I think I'm at a point where I'm no longer interested in playing games older than the Gamecube era, outside of a select few.

HD versions/remasters of GC & Wii games would definitely have my interest. Not quite as simple to achieve due to the more unique control layouts of GC/Wii and performance considerations but hopefully the Nvidia Shield SMG2/TP ports are a sign of things to come.

Kreeeee said:
I loved that game and would love a sequel to it.

Is anyone in here going to go for "Pikachu/Eevee Let's Go"?

I'm tempted but I don't know if I like the idea of seeing the pokemon in the world instead of running into them by chance. I haven't played a pokemon game since probably yellow so i might pick it up just to see what its like. I don't know how much I will want to pay for it however.
Is anyone in here going to go for "Pikachu/Eevee Let's Go"?

I was excited for it until I read more about it and read how dumbed down it is.

Not being able to go in to gyms until you have the right kind of Pokemon (ones that can easily beat the gym leader) and not battling wild Pokemon just make it seem like it’s a hand holding experience.
I was excited for it until I read more about it and read how dumbed down it is.

Not being able to go in to gyms until you have the right kind of Pokemon (ones that can easily beat the gym leader) and not battling wild Pokemon just make it seem like it’s a hand holding experience.

Hmm I'd not read those things but indeed that doesn't make it sound very challenging! I did read that it is easy to access for kids and has more tricky bits to keep experienced players entertained, but that could just be marketing spiel.

I'm quite interested in the GO crossover mechanics, and as my daughter likes Pokémon it's a pretty easy decision to give it a whirl really.
More games should have the ability to moderate the difficulty if they want to target different ages/ability groups. Pokemon has a huge fan base that could be up to 40 years old so making games that won't appeal to them due to a few simple things that could easily be controlled is just silly.

I know there is a more "serious" pokemon coming out next year but there is no reason not to make this one adult friendly as well.
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