*** Nintendo Switch ***

Has anyone played Ittle Dew 2+? I am a big fan of Zelda games but even at half price it seems pretty steep considering how short the game is.
I haven't played Ittle Dew 2 but I read good impressions about it on one of the Resetera eShop monthly threads so I do have it on my watch list. A bit too expensive still, I think.

I can't believe I am going to be playing Dark Souls at work tomorrow. I can't believe that I am so excited about a game that I have already bought 3 times before!
I had a massive drought after completing Bloodborne. It's a total adrenaline rush but it's also slow. It's hard to recommend it really. You just have to dip your toe in and see what you make of it. After the bewilderment goes away you start to see how clever the level design is and how tight the gameplay is. I don't know, it took me a good few attempts to get into demon's souls but once it clicked I was hooked and I've loved all of their games ever since.
Could not complete the beta .....so don't think i will get the game! I did much better when i released on playstation.... I must be getting old....
Had an hour or two this morning with Dark Souls. Runs really well in handheld (not tried docked). A lot smoother than it did on the PS3/360 - which isn't hard as they ran terribly. Happy!
I think you would like it Kree. I've not played it but by all accounts I've read, its for hard core gamers that like a real challenge. I plan on getting it, but now I have access to GeForce Now I'll play it via PC. Otherwise I would have got it on the Switch.
Dark Souls series are good but boy are they punishing, don’t know whether I want to risk my temper with it with a switch in my hand :eek:
I think you would like it Kree. I've not played it but by all accounts I've read, its for hard core gamers that like a real challenge. I plan on getting it, but now I have access to GeForce Now I'll play it via PC. Otherwise I would have got it on the Switch.

I do love challenging games, but I also hate janky games.
I wish I had played the stress test, I'm really on the fence with this game.

It's an adventure RPG which doesn't hand hold. The menu system is quite clunky by today's standards (they all use the same system) but where it shines is in the exploration and combat. This is not Monster Hunter levels of janky it runs pretty nicely and the combat is very satisfying. The level design is probably the best of its kind. I think you would like it - maybe not so much initially - but with patience it opens up to be something pretty special. Like all FROMSOFTWARE games though they are not for everyone. Maybe buy it physical and trade it if you hate it?

There's a short video here showing it running. This area (Blighttown) was notoriously low fps on the PS360. Runs really nicely. https://kotaku.com/dark-souls-remastered-on-switch-is-rough-but-worth-play-1829843898

edit - maybe don't watch all of it as there is a boss at the end.
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with patience

Ooh, that's not my strong point. I nearly gave up on Nier Automata because you can't stop and save the game for the first 30-40 minutes.

I'll definitely get it physically if I do get it, but maybe it's better for me to get the PS4 or XBOne version as they will drop in price quicker and are already older. Does having it on handheld with ropy controllers add anything to the game? It looks like one of those games where decent analog sticks, and hence a full controller, are a must.
Ooh, that's not my strong point. I nearly gave up on Nier Automata because you can't stop and save the game for the first 30-40 minutes.

I'll definitely get it physically if I do get it, but maybe it's better for me to get the PS4 or XBOne version as they will drop in price quicker and are already older. Does having it on handheld with ropy controllers add anything to the game? It looks like one of those games where decent analog sticks, and hence a full controller, are a must.

In the article above she talks about how having it on the go is a great selling point but there is a trade-off using the joy-cons because keeping the camera in the right place whilst rolling etc is much harder than using a controller. I am finding it OK but I've only fought the first boss who is pretty easy. I've also played this area many times so I can't tell yet. You might be right in the remaster for PS4/XB1 might be better. I wanted to take it with me so I have been waiting for this version.
Could someone clarify something for me, about a year or so ago Nintendo said they were making a Pokemon game for the switch, is that Let's go Pikachu or are they planning a re-imagining of the Pokemon game? Sure I read they were.
There are 2 Pokemon games coming. The Pokemon lets go ones which are coming this November. And then a hard core RPG style one next year.
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