*** Nintendo Switch ***

Diablo 3 is crack.

So glad you're enjoying it! Yeah it's really exceeded expectations for it. It's a much better game than it was at release and it works so well on the Switch. Insane lootfest.

in a good way haha ?

Anyone going to get civ 6 ? will it be like a fully fledged version similar to the pc or will it be like the mobile game on the ipad ?
I've definitely got my eye on it. If it reviews well I will jump in right away. Performance has to be good though. I read they dropped MP for this version but I've no interest in that. Will have to wait and see.

I seriously suck at Dark Souls, never died this much in any game before :mad::(:mad:
Having said that I'm loving it, actually look forward to my commute now :D
It's tough at first but when you get your head around how stats level it gets a lot easier. If you have online don't be afraid to use some humanity and reverse hollow to summon other players to help you. I'm really enjoying this version too.
in a good way haha ?

Anyone going to get civ 6 ? will it be like a fully fledged version similar to the pc or will it be like the mobile game on the ipad ?

I visited friends in the UK over the weekend and we spent most of the time playing 4 player diablo wondering where the days (and the nights) had gone.
I visited friends in the UK over the weekend and we spent most of the time playing 4 player diablo wondering where the days (and the nights) had gone.
Ah sounds like a good weekend then :D
The loot system in that game is the best ever imo so bloody addictive, I'm scared if I get the game and take it to work I might not get any work done!
Anyone got Pokemon Lets Go on pre-order? Looking forward to this as I haven't played a pokemon game since red/blue.
I'm also in the same boat, haven't played since then.

I'm not so interested in the game as it seems very very dulled down and made for 3 year olds (literally)

There is no aspect to the game what so ever that is hard anymore. They have said they are bringing us a proper pokemon game next year,

However! I have pre ordered the console which comes with the game and ball because damn, that special edition console looks cool.

Will also be my first switch :)
To be fair no Pokemon game has ever been ‘hard’ once you understand the types of Pokemon and it’s mostly an easy concept. The old games tells you which Pokemon to use for each gym. The only time I have failed is when I couldn’t be bothered to level the right Pokemon for the gym fight.
Pokemon reviews are live. Better than i expected, reception wise. I think i may grab it for my partner as she is really in to Go at the moment and has enjoyed past entries. Personally I'll wait for the main line RPG next year but will give this a go if she does fancy trying it
My daughter and I are massively looking forward to playing Let's Go together. The integration with Go is also a major draw and I will be hitting up my raid group to send hoardes of legendaries and rare shiny's to my park :D
Played Red a fair bit when I was younger and with going on holiday in a few weeks time this has come along nicely as a bit of a time plough whilst the little one is asleep. Pleased it's reviewed well, Red was personally my favourites of the Pokemon franchise.
Still no reviews up as far as I can find on Civilization 6. Releases on Friday? Need to see something soon as I'm almost pulling the trigger on Let's Go Pikachu!
I'm pretty much hitting the buy button on Dark Souls Remastered. I can get it for €31 from the SA store but a physical copy from Amazon.es is 34,99€ right now with free delivery. And I do like a cartridge. Going on a mostly solo holiday for 2 weeks on Saturday week so I am itching for something to sink my teeth into!
Games i've died a lot:
Souls/Borne series
Ninja Gaiden

On subject of Dark Souls remastered on Switch, tried playing it on TV and the game runs similar or slightly worse than the original PS3/360 version, slight input lag and delay in movement aswell. Game runs and feel perfectly fine in handheld mode though.
I agree on the slight input lag though it isn't all the time. Performance is significantly better than last gen so I can't agree with you there. Blighttown was a nightmare on both last gen consoles. It's not up to the recent remasters but it's a massive improvement in framerate on last gen.

I'm coming to the end now though I don't know how long the DLC lasts so not quite sure on total time left. 55 hours so far. Do it Phate :)

Diablo 3 has taken a bit of a back seat because I want to do everything here. I am considering NG+ but I don't know yet.
Facebook group chat with 2 Switch/Gamer friends

Me "Guys, think I'm gonna buy Dark Souls, I need a decent RPG"
Friend 1 "Tell you what, I've got it and not feeling it, you can have it for 25eur"
Me "done"

Well...snap :p
I agree on the slight input lag though it isn't all the time. Performance is significantly better than last gen so I can't agree with you there. Blighttown was a nightmare on both last gen consoles. It's not up to the recent remasters but it's a massive improvement in framerate on last gen.
Just felt choppy and looked it aswell, not sure if it's because I was playing on a 50 inch 4K TV running at 1080p makes it like that, not tried it on smaller display yet but it is definitely noticeable on TV than it is in handheld.
Get looking at fextralife to get ideas if you haven't played it before, find what sort of build and weapons you want use and they have a nice game progress guide aswell.
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