*** Nintendo Switch ***

Im still hoping for 3D Worlds and Mario Maker to get a port to Switch, I'm sure they would sell buckloads. I'd expect at least one Nintendo port to get confirmed in the next direct.
If they'd just give us a GameCube emulator that upscales and runs GC games from the eshop for a reasonable price (lol!) I'd be happy and poorer. Throw in N64 and SNES and goodbye 2019
Nothing wrong with a good port in my opinion. Nintendo wouldn't be in such a good position right now without them.
So many gamers skipped the Wii U versions but bought them on Switch. I have even double dipped on MarioKart 8 and Bayonetta 2 as both are great on the go.
Indeed, as has been said multiple times. The Wii-U had a solid library, but many missed it due to it being on the Wii-U...so Nintendo are recovering a lot of revenue by porting these games whilst they build new games for the system.
What is needed is a way to filter the shovelware on the eshop, especially as more titles get added. User reviews would go a long way...
Indeed. It needs a major overhaul, unless you know what you're looking for its impossible to find much.
Anyone got Pokemon Lets Go on pre-order? Looking forward to this as I haven't played a pokemon game since red/blue.
I have it pre ordered, it’s a casual game no doubt but if you know that going in then I’m not sure what the issue is. The casual style suits me fine at the moment.

If you want a full on RPG the stick with Diablo, Zelda, Xenoblade or Octopath.
I've bought it for the nostalgia and to give me a pokemon fix again after all these years. I've still got a few games I need to finish off along with Okami HD (the handholding is doing my head in though) so pokemon and Super Mario Bros U Deluxe should see me into the new year.
I have it pre ordered, it’s a casual game no doubt but if you know that going in then I’m not sure what the issue is. The casual style suits me fine at the moment.

If you want a full on RPG the stick with Diablo, Zelda, Xenoblade or Octopath.

My only potential issue is if it turns out to be a bad game. I don't care how casual it may or not be. I'll wait for reviews.
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