*** Nintendo Switch ***

When it comes to publishers milking Switch owners, I think we hit a new low with Civ :p At least others have had the decency to bundle in the DLC for ~£50...
Honestly if they'd just released it with the DLC I might've bit straight away. I can wait. Might pick it up on sale or second hand at some point.
When it comes to publishers milking Switch owners, I think we hit a new low with Civ :p At least others have had the decency to bundle in the DLC for ~£50...

That's how I justified getting Diablo 3 :p
Spent about 4 hours on Pokemon this afternoon, two gyms down. Its a pretty easy game, but then was Pokemon Yellow (IMO, Yellow came out 18 years ago :eek: and I was 13 at the time and I never had any issues with difficulty). It's a good game, nice and casual just like the original and exactly what I need. To be honest I don't miss the wild Pokemon battles, the 'grind' element is just slightly different that all you just have to remember to spend lots of cash on Pokeballs to level up quickly.

I bought the double pack with the Pokeball, it's a bit of a gimmick but its still fun and really gets the nostalgia running. If you are on the fence about the Pokeball plus I would say give it a miss, like I said it adds a bit of fun but that's it really and wouldn't detract from the game itself. The starting Pokemon is a little OP but that's fairly standard for a Pokemon game.

Pretty happy with the game over all and a very good reincarnation of the original.
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I can't believe what a great job panic button have done porting Warframe across to the Switch. I hope the motion controls are as good as Splatoon 2 and not middle ground like Paladins/Doom or shoddy like Fortnite.
I think it's a shame they allow that. It would be nice to start from the beginning with everyone else.

In a way I can understand both points of view. Some people have invested years in to this so to be able to just continue on the go is essential for their existing player base I imagine.

I don't think it's got any PvP or isn't focused around that if so, so I don't think new players are at a disadvantage playing with veterans.

I've tried this game several times and I just don't get it :( I like the idea of it and the moment to Moment shooting is fun. I just don't understand any of the stuff around it. Currencies, builds etc. It's not very welcoming to new players, from my experiance.

I imagine if you really give it time and take it slow, watch YouTube videos etc then it may all fall into place. I'll certainly try it .. again!
I tried it years ago on the PS4. Gave up after about 15 minutes! I'll give it another go, though.

How long ago would you say that was? I've tried it at various stages and it is certain in a good place now but still, I don't think I'll ever understand it :D

From whatbi do gather though, is that it is a fair free to play model. Sure you can pay to progress but it's all there if the player is willing to grind, like.. Really grind ;)
Spent about 4 hours on Pokemon this afternoon, two gyms down. Its a pretty easy game, but then was Pokemon Yellow (IMO, Yellow came out 18 years ago :eek: and I was 13 at the time and I never had any issues with difficulty). It's a good game, nice and casual just like the original and exactly what I need. To be honest I don't miss the wild Pokemon battles, the 'grind' element is just slightly different that all you just have to remember to spend lots of cash on Pokeballs to level up quickly.

I bought the double pack with the Pokeball, it's a bit of a gimmick but its still fun and really gets the nostalgia running. If you are on the fence about the Pokeball plus I would say give it a miss, like I said it adds a bit of fun but that's it really and wouldn't detract from the game itself. The starting Pokemon is a little OP but that's fairly standard for a Pokemon game.

Pretty happy with the game over all and a very good reincarnation of the original.

I've been playing together with my daughter and she loves the Pokeball plus as it makes things simpler. The two player mode makes everything a bit trivial really as it ends up with you being 2 vs 1 in most situations! I agree though re: the Pokeball plus, unless you're dead set on spending the extra and more importantly getting Mew in the game :p , it's definitely a bit of a pricey accessory. Definitely ticks the nostalgia box though!
How long ago would you say that was? I've tried it at various stages and it is certain in a good place now but still, I don't think I'll ever understand it :D

From whatbi do gather though, is that it is a fair free to play model. Sure you can pay to progress but it's all there if the player is willing to grind, like.. Really grind ;)

Looking back I bought the PS4 in the summer after launch and I remember getting Warframe because it was free. So around 4 - 4.5 years ago. I imagine it has changed much since then!

Definitely felt overwhelmed by it all but then I never gave it a fair crack. Because the PS4 was new I had a lot to play especially since I was still subscribed to PS+ so I had been adding games even though I didn't have the console yet. So free games were easy to drop.
Lets Go Pikachu has massively exceeded my expectations, I thought i'd miss the wild encounter battles but I honest don't mind at all, I love the fact I can run through Mt moon and rock cave without encountering a pokemon every 3 seconds, The music has been done so well (Especially the trainer battle theme, i love it) and not overly orchestrated, Final Fantasy X-HD is guilty of that.

I've put over 20 hours into it so far over the weekend and can easily see that flying well into the hundreds.
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