*** Nintendo Switch ***

A friend at work bought her Switch in to show me Let's Go. Had a little play with it and it's pretty cool. I will pick it up at some point I think.

I finished Dark Souls yesterday and immediately went back in for NG+. I imagine it will get harder but I am wrecking the early bosses. Good fun though! :)
Lets Go Pikachu has massively exceeded my expectations, I thought i'd miss the wild encounter battles but I honest don't mind at all, I love the fact I can run through Mt moon and rock cave without encountering a pokemon every 3 seconds, The music has been done so well (Especially the trainer battle theme, i love it) and not overly orchestrated, Final Fantasy X-HD is guilty of that.

I've put over 20 hours into it so far over the weekend and can easily see that flying well into the hundreds.

My nearly 4 year old nephew absolutely loves it. I pretty much agree with everything you said.

That said, I was a little disappointed at the lack of voice acting (especially given that the actors already do it for the animated series) - that would have been the icing on the cake for my nephew.

For me, i'd have liked to have seen the ability to "catch" pokemon in handheld mode if you was using a pro controller or using the grip and two joycons. I'm not a fan of single joycon mode for catching. I'd also have liked to have seen a "Master Trainer" mode where you starter wasn't completely overpowered, no Exp share and trainers were higher levels and had 6 pokemon.

I really like a lot of the QOL that's in the game though.
There was no voice acting in the original so it’s true to form in that regard.

It also doesn’t suppor the pro controller, it’s single joy on or pokeball plus only.

I agre about the handheld mode you just press a button to catch but I am just imagining hundreds of switches going flying if it was motion!

I think I’m about 14 hours in now, loving it so far.
Has anyone played pokemon lets go eevee\Pikachu? Thinking of getting it soon because have played most of the previous games since they started to come out. looking for someone to tell me what the differences are and how an overview of how the game works.
I like the single joycon use, I lay in bed and relax, that said it's not the most accurate, Sometimes i've thrown directly to the TV and the ball flies off to the left or right, but on the whole I prefer single joycon, I tried handheld and think it's more accurate just cause you can control the camera and stuff, but that's only when i'm out an about or on the thrown for an hour xD

I got the pokeball plus controller, unless you desperately want Mew, I wouldn't bother, It's a nice, robust well built controller, the HD rumble is excellent and the rgb ring around the joystick is cool, but talking about the joystick it sometimes got annoying, You press the joystick in for A and sometimes my thumb pushes the stick down as I click in totally picking a different selection than I was after, so now it's retired back in it's box and it's joycon all the way for me.

Has anyone played pokemon lets go eevee\Pikachu? Thinking of getting it soon because have played most of the previous games since they started to come out. looking for someone to tell me what the differences are and how an overview of how the game works.

scroll up a little to see my very mini review, It's a flat out Yellow remake with great audio and visuals, the mechanics are great for the kind of game it is, the pokemon battles are what you'd expect from a pokemon game, yes it's a little disappointing wild encounter "battles" are gone but I haven't honestly mind that it has, and the pain that was walking through mt moon and rock cave encountering pokemon every 2 secs is gone, you'll just have to avoid the pokemon that are on screen.

Honestly I recommend the game to both new and veterans of the game, it's a great casual pokemon game, I honestly prefer it to the recent offerings such as Sun&Moon and the previous titles.

I'm hoping they expand this game in terms of DLC, Like Pokemon Go has slowly released gen 2, 3 etc pokemon, I'd hope they add more regions like Johto and Hoenn, I'd buy it.​
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A few years ago I would have definitely got the pokeball plus controller to get mew but wont go to them extremes these days. I will probably end up getting it around Christmas time and have a grind on it.
I didn't mind sun and moon but never bothered with ultra. Does it integrate with pokemon go somehow? I think I heard that somewhere.
I wish they would do a Red remake for console with updated graphics etc.
cheers for reply and good analysis.
I'm hoping they expand this game in terms of DLC, Like Pokemon Go has slowly released gen 2, 3 etc pokemon, I'd hope they add more regions like Johto and Hoenn, I'd buy it.​

I doubt that they will do that as this is meant as a child's introduction to pokemon, to get people up to speed for the proper game coming out next year
that does sound pretty good if they get all the mechanics right for it. looking forward to seeing where pokemon evolves over the coming years.
over the coming years
Lets go has really exceeded my expectations and the lack of random encounters is vital to that. The whole thing is beautifully put together and ultimately walks the perfect line between being faithful to the original and ironing out poor gameplay mechanics. The only thing that makes no sense is a lack of pro controller support. You can use the attached controllers in exactly the same way as the pro controller would function so it doesn't make any sense to restrict it.
Can Lets go players tell me one thing..
Can we finally have multiple saves in a Pokemon game? I'm assuming so in the sense of having 1 save per profile on the system at least?

Considering grabbing it soon and know my partner would probably play it first but if like to check it out too.
There's a Reddit thread saying really good things about Civ, everyone seems very positive about its performance. May well pick it up this weekend
Seems that Warframe went up by mistake and has been pulled. Going to check it now.

Edit - it's gone.

Edit (2) - it's back up.
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