*** Nintendo Switch ***

I've done this before but I'm not too bothered with saving a couple of pounds on already cheap indies. If I were going for the $30+ stuff I might.

I hated Enter the Gungeon. I noticed it bolded on your list. Isaac is way better and I know you hated that. It's another roguelike and a bit meh for me. Some on this forum adore it though. I guess like Isaac it is a bit of a marmite game. Not for me, though.

The dodgeroll mechanic looks like it adds a lot to the game compared to TBoI, and for £4 I'll give it a go. I enjoyed Neurovoider when I got that for just a few quid, much more so than TBoI as one of the classes has a dodgeroll in it. I also really enjoy Necrodancer so I'm not against roguelike games on the whole.

Zelda, Odyssey, DK: TF, Fifa 19 and Hyrule Warriors looking like the main Nintendo deals.

Stick of Truth is £17.99 FWIW.

Good old Brexit tax.
HLD is on my watch list. Will have a look when I get home.

The dodgeroll mechanic looks like it adds a lot to the game compared to TBoI, and for £4 I'll give it a go.

Yeah definitely worth a punt at that price. Against bosses I struggled even with the dodge. I think I am just bad at it which is probably why I didn't like it.
Enter the gungeon is great, by the way :) perfect for the switch. I double dipped and have both EtG and BoI on PS4 and switch.

Great to pick up and play a few runs here and there. Lots of secrets and unlocks. Loads of weapons and passive/active items too. Varied enemies and bosses.

It’s much more of a bullet hell game than Isaac though. It requires faster reflexes and the careful use of dodge.
I think I'll pick up some of these but I really want dead cells and celeste to be on offer.

I'm still waiting for a good deal on Celeste too. It's getting awards buzz so doubt it will go down for some time yet.

However saying that, sometimes they go on sale due to being nominated etc

We shall see
Got Civ yesterday. Was going to wait until I was done with Pokémon but my save has vanished [:(] and I can't be bothered to start again right now.

It seems like a pretty decent port. Controls are good considering the limited button layout. Feels a bit cramped in handheld though - much better on the TV.
I'm desperately trying to avoid the internet and the switch.

Black friday
Flying tomorrow.

God dammit. :(
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