*** Nintendo Switch ***

@Kreeeee get Gungeon, you won't regret it. Can't help on the other games sorry.
It's bullet hell, but I always think it seems fair when you die. Still rage inducing but one more run is always good.

Is Amazon currently the best place for Pokemon Let's Go? Or anywhere cheaper?

Done, and that has now given me an 15% extra discount on The Messenger which is very tempting.
I finished DOOM on the Switch last night. I absolutely loved it. I won't bother going into details about the actual game but I have to say it's a blimmin impressive port!

Considering the amount of action on screen at times it runs extremely well. There were, from what I remember, 2 or 3 times it actually full on slowed down and it was like moving in slow motion. But that's a brief 5 seconds 2 or 3 times on 12-15 hours of gameplay. I loved it :)

Now onto South Park :D

I'm in the UK, and my step-sister did get a lot of enjoyment watching me swearing at this little screen and getting all worked up when some big demons appeared :p
Anyone know a good way to ensure you get a 'good' serial number? Any old bundles or such? Tempted by these hitting £250 but want an old serial number, if you know what I mean.
Because I caved in and bought Civ 6 I've cancelled my Smash pre-order. Soon I am going to Spain for 3 weeks and I wanted something nice for that. Civ 6 and Diablo 3 will be more than enough to keep me busy. I will probably get Smash in January when I get back though I do have NSMBU on pre-order for 11th Jan so it might have to wait a little bit longer.
Anyone know a good way to ensure you get a 'good' serial number? Any old bundles or such? Tempted by these hitting £250 but want an old serial number, if you know what I mean.

For game companies to continue to exist people need to buy their software, or the games need to be riddled with micro transactions.

I assume you don't work for free. So if you want a switch just cough up and buy it, then the games you want.
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