*** Nintendo Switch ***

It won't let me launch my seasonal character when I am not online. So I have another character for when I am out and about.

This might be me, though. I will connect tonight and see if it updates.
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It won't let me launch my seasonal character when I am not online. So I have another character for when I am out and about.

This might be me, though. I will connect tonight and see if it updates.

If I recall, seasons has required some form of online in the past for leaderboards etc but swear we discussed this here nearer launch and found that wasn't the case, not too sure :D

Side note! Started Mario Galaxy properly for the first time last night. It's amazing and holds up so well. Especially as I did odyssey with split joycons, so this feels pretty much the same to control! They have to bring these to the switch surely


Finished up last night with 25 stars and about to hit the 2nd proper boss. Already a better balance of challenge than Odyssey had too (until end game that is)
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If I recall, seasons has required some form of online in the past for leaderboards etc but swear we discussed this here nearer launch and found that wasn't the case, not too sure :D

Yeah I was part of the discussion! Used to work but doesn't for me right now. I will login tonight to see if I need to do anything. Maybe it requires some kind of periodical login not sure!
Sweeeet cheers :D
Next question, is it better to do the campaign first or jump straight into adventure mode ?

I think most people recommend the story for the first time round just to get to grips with the game and also for the lore. Personally I was trying to complete the story but hopped into adventure mode about 6 hours in :p
Always seasonal - you can keep seasonal characters as normal ones once the season ends, but you can't use normal for seasons, so there's no downsides to always creating a seasonal character :)

Yes there is, you can't play with other people who use non-seasonal characters (online or offline).
I had it in my head that Yoshi would be out for Christmas for some reason, disappointed to see it's next year :(

Is DK too hard for a 7 year old?
I wouldn’t say so, no. My 8 year old lad had no problems with it.

I personally found when I played, I died a lot though :p (and I grew up with SNES DK Country)
Currently doing my first take on shiny pokemon hunting...decided to try get shiny growlithe, got to 70 catch combo and no sign of any type of shiny at all yet in space of 4 hours.
There is a 1/356 chance of a shiny to appear if you reach catch combo of 31.
Currently doing my first take on shiny pokemon hunting...decided to try get shiny growlithe, got to 70 catch combo and no sign of any type of shiny at all yet in space of 4 hours.
There is a 1/356 chance of a shiny to appear if you reach catch combo of 31.

Is this what people do in end game I guess? Seems like spending 4 hours catching the same Pokemon over and over again trying not to brake the cycle seems quite boring to me?
Is this what people do in end game I guess? Seems like spending 4 hours catching the same Pokemon over and over again trying not to brake the cycle seems quite boring to me?

The end game is battling master trainers, catching all the pokemon and replaying the gyms or pokemon league again (each time they get stronger).

The only reason I used the catch combo was for the multiplier to level up my pokemon faster. Using the catch combo and dual joycons motion controls I was getting up to 30k exp on a single high level catch.
You can hunt shiny pokemon at anytime in the game, i'm just trying it now as I have never bothered in any of my previous games.
I'm only upto 4th gym and all my pokemon are currently levelled upto 40+ now, you get more exp and candy for being in catch combo and you also get a chance for "max" IV if you exceed 10+ catch combo on the specific pokemon you want.
I'm finding it quite fun to play and the simplified catching wild pokemon to be fun, battle is similar to all previous titles and as for story goes it kinda follows up after Red/Blue/Green.
You can get a few alolan/Sun&moon pokemon in the game like Alolan Ratata, geodude, sandshrew and volpix aswell.

After 6 hours I have finally caught near perfect shiny Growlithe, will share photo later when I have access to the net for the Switch
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