*** Nintendo Switch ***

Going through a spell of not touching the switch again! Partner finished Pokemon last night (Well elite 4 and legendaries)

She rated it higher than recent 3DS entries overall, so may try that for myself as we have it
I traded my copy of Pokemon in half finished. Not for me I found it far too simplistic. I know two people at work who adore it though so it just wasn't for me I think.
Free Demos always excited me, reminds me of the good old demos on magazines days. Link's Awakening fresh on the Switch; oh yes! Come on who did not know it was that as soon as those waves came and you knew it was going to be epic.
No Pilot Wings :(
Anything by Platinum games interests me and the new Astral Chain game looks very cool but I'm surprised we didn't get to see more of Bayonetta 3.
Looking forward to the Zelda remake aswell.
I'm going to try all the new demos as soon as they arrive especially looking forward to Daemon X game
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