*** Nintendo Switch ***

Feel like this is going to be a thin year if you don’t like Japanese style games. Metroid delayed, bayonetta is still nothing more than a logo on the screen, Luigis mansion 3 is another title with nothing shown, animal crossing is another, Pokemon a complete mystery. They are pushing big games coming out in August so I doubt any of these games will be done any time soon.
Feel like this is going to be a thin year if you don’t like Japanese style games. Metroid delayed, bayonetta is still nothing more than a logo on the screen, Luigis mansion 3 is another title with nothing shown, animal crossing is another, Pokemon a complete mystery. They are pushing big games coming out in August so I doubt any of these games will be done any time soon.
True but they may be saving Pokémon and other big titles for E3 for a larger audience
Tried the Yoshi demo. It's charming and has a lovely art style but it felt quite basic?

And wow! Zelda is super faithful to the original version! Luckily it's one I missed out on and funnily enough I almost picked it up recently.

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Really gutted that there wasn’t any Metroid prime news . Was looking forward to seeing the trilogy released on switch .
They basically started development again apparently, I don't think we'll see it till late 2020 if not early 2021. A trilogy remaster will be released a year or so before to drum up interest.
Tried the Yoshi demo. It's charming and has a lovely art style but it felt quite basic?

And wow! Zelda is super faithful to the original version! Luckily it's one I missed out on and funnily enough I almost picked it up recently.


You lucky git. It is the best. Only GB release I finished multiple times, had to see it in colour on the GBC; really looking forward to this.
Some good stuff (Mario Maker, Link's Awakening) and this:

Feel like this is going to be a thin year if you don’t like Japanese style games.

Variety doesn't look like 2019's strong point. I thought this year was looking quite heavy for Japanese action and RPG games before yesterday's Direct. Turns out, Nintendo is of the opposite view; what the Switch needs this year is loads more of them :D

Some of them look interesting enough.
Onimaki, Astral Chain and Daemon x Machina were the highlight for me, going to try the demo for daemon tonight but gutted there was no update on Bayonetta 3.
Pretty cool they are porting AC3 I suppose onto the switch aswell, curious to see how it will perform on the Switch, whether it perform similarly to the Ps3/360 versions or run at the steady 60fps potentially like on PS4/xbone.
Daemon X Machina hasn't impressed me so far in the demo but I will have a bit more of a go tonight.
Will be interesting to see what version they will use for Links Awakening, as we had the DX version for the GBC which had the extra dungeon.
Feel like this is going to be a thin year if you don’t like Japanese style games. Metroid delayed, bayonetta is still nothing more than a logo on the screen, Luigis mansion 3 is another title with nothing shown, animal crossing is another, Pokemon a complete mystery. They are pushing big games coming out in August so I doubt any of these games will be done any time soon.

They need to keep somethings back for E3 Direct, that'll be Winter 19/Spring 20. I can see Bayonetta slipping into 2020, but there's a good chance we'll get AC, Pokemon and Luigi this year somewhere between September and December.

I thought the Direct was great, plenty of titles for me, but I can understand if you're not into Anime or RPG's then the next 6 months look a little light.
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