*** Nintendo Switch ***

Did you guys know that in Zelda BotW the biggest part of the story comes from beating the devine beasts multiple times?

It shows just how weak the core story is.
TBH I can't even really remember much of the story of BoTW but I loved every minute of it, one of a handful of games I wish I could forget so I could experience it fresh all over again.
I hadn't considered it would be an issue, I might just have to play it with a beach towel over my head..... Or devise an hybrid baseball cap with some kind of foldable black out sheet that rolls down to cover the switch in darkness.

Failing that, maybe the wife will be happy by the pool on her own whilst I spend the majority of the holiday in the room.... With good reason too.

hehe sounds good :p

thats some awesome games you have there to keep you busy :D
Okay so I'm thinking about buying Astral chain on the Switch , currently on Amazon at £39.99, but I can't quite work out from the reviews, is the game just a arcade mass beat em button masher with a great story?
wait there was a story in zelda????? i thought if i just ran around hitting things with swords that zelda would stop banging ganon in the castle :P
Do they do matt/anti reflective protectors?
Yes you can get matt/anti-reflective screen protector, I got one for the GF switch from Argos. =)

As for those that got Astral Chain, what are your general impression? I'm loving it so far, combat more simplified than Nier automata and other previous platinum games and story is engaging enough for me.
The combat isn't completely button masher as some combos need to be triggered in certain way.
I have the collector edition which seems like they only sold 20000+ or so in Europe or UK.
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